Hello Thomas,

You need some kind of model validation, where you validate the complete
class (when all proeprties are filled in).

You can do it with a Bean Validation constraint (put it on the class level)
or a Custom ExtVal constraint (also on class level)

If you need more help, let us know.

Rudy De Busscher

On 16 November 2011 17:20, Thomas Andraschko <zoi...@googlemail.com> wrote:

> Hi,
> i have some input fields for an entity and i want to check if the entered
> name does already exist.
> So i tried to create an BV constraint for the name property but i also need
> the parent entity object (for checking if the entity is transient or not).
> In a BV validator i can't get the the parent entity - so it's useless.
> The other idea was to attach it on bean property level for the entity:
> @UniqueName
> private Entity entity.
> <p:inputText value=#{myBean.entity.name <http://bean.entity.name/>}" />
> But this wont validate the entity.
> I thought about an custom converter and binding the #{bean.entity}.
> The problem is, in getAsObject i must load the entity by the name and the
> bean.entity will be overwritten. Or not?
> How can i prevent that the #{bean.entity} will be overwritten?
> Is there another solution for validate the entity?
> I also use CODI and ExtVal.
> Thanks!
> Best regards,
> Thomas

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