and please don't give more than 1,6 GB if using a 32 bit JVM!
The more ram you give, the less threads you can spawn on 32 bit JVMs!
This was so bad, that we couldn't even get 100 parallel threads when going near 
1.8GB ;)

I hope not many people need to deal with this stuff nowadays anymore though :)


----- Original Message -----
> From: Stephen Connolly <>
> To: MyFaces Discussion <>
> Cc: 
> Sent: Monday, December 19, 2011 9:11 PM
> Subject: Re: JVM optimized memory setting for server
> if the server us dedicated and has 8gb of ram... you could give 6gb (or 3g
> if a 32bit os as more will nor be used on 32bit os)... BUT when the stop
> the world big Garbage Collection triggers (and it will trigger eventually
> as the last resort to resolve heap fragmentation) then that gc will be 6
> times longer... if your app response time is important then giving more
> memory could cause more of a problem.
> - Stephen
> ---
> Sent from my Android phone, so random spelling mistakes, random nonsense
> words and other nonsense are a direct result of using swype to type on the
> screen
> On 19 Dec 2011 20:01, "Jim May" <> wrote:
>>  I have been doing some research on this topic and I know that there is
>>  quite a bit of information out there. Unfortunately, I usually do not
>>  notice articles that recommend JVM tuning setting for servers with X amount
>>  of memory. I have an issue with a production tomcat server that is running
>>  two applications. One of the applications has an export all records feature
>>  AS AN OPTION. The default is export only the 100 rows on the page, but
>>  sometimes the Admin needs to go to the site and export all records into
>>  excel for their reporting. Now the admin is triggering the export all
>>  feature and the server is imploding with out of memory errors for the heap.
>>  This is the current settings:
>>  -Xms256m -Xmx1024m -XX:MaxPermSize=384m -XX:PermSize=256m
>>  I was wondering what you would recommend for JVM tuning settings on a
>>  server that has 8GB or higher of memory? Are there rules that are usually
>>  followed in deciding the settings? The server is completely dedicated to
>>  the two websites and the database runs on a different server.
>>  Thanks,
>>  --
>>  James

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