Yes, the behavior is considered normal, because a comment is just a
piece of literal text in the generated html.   Html Comments have no
special meaning to JSF.

As Thomas stated, you can use skip_comments to remove all comments
from your generated html.

You can also use <ui:remove></ui:remove> tags to mark a section of the
page as removed.

On Fri, Dec 23, 2011 at 4:06 AM, Thomas Andraschko
<> wrote:
> Hi,
> we noticed the same behavior.
> If you set 
> javax.faces.FACELETS_SKIP_COMMENTS<>to
> true, all comments will be skipped.
> 2011/12/23 Ibra <>
>> Hello team,
>> I am working with "MyFaces Core 2.0 API 2.0.2" and I obtained an unexpected
>> behaviour when I run   the next code:
>> <h:panelGrid id="tabla" columns="2">
>>    <h:outputText value="a11"/>
>>    <h:outputText value="Si os veis cabalgando solos, que nos cause temor,
>> no os separeis de mi" />
>>    <h:outputText value="b11"/>
>>    <!-- -->
>>    <h:outputText value="lo que hacemos en la vida, tiene su eco en la
>> eternidad."/>
>> </h:panelGrid>
>> The result was 3 rows, instead 2 rows, because one cell was filled with
>> comment block. Is it normal?
>> --
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