Best is to use Maven. 

$> mvn archetype:generate -DarchetypeGroupId=org.apache.myfaces.buildtools 


----- Original Message -----
> From: ayouB __ <>
> To:
> Cc: 
> Sent: Wednesday, March 14, 2012 5:47 PM
> Subject: how to build a JSF 2.0 (MyFaces/Facelets) Project
> Hello every one,
> I have sent a mail before that one where i explained problems i faced while 
> configuring the developpement environnement, unfortunately that let me no 
> where 
> i spent a lot of time trying to find a solution but i didn't anyway thank 
> you all for your replies and your collaboration :)
> The problem now is how to create and configure a jsf project under eclipse 
> helios IDE, what JARs i need, how to dowload them and where can i find them, 
> what version, and where should i put them (in my class path, in my web app 
> ...).
> I'm really confused and i don't know what to do ! Please Help ^_^
> Thanks. 
> AYOUB                           

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