Forgot to add that after I click on the show button and the script was
supposed to be loaded , it gets loaded if I click F5 / Ctrl + F5 / or hit
Enter in the URL of the browser...

Thanks again.

On Wed, May 9, 2012 at 6:11 PM, Daniel Reznick <> wrote:

> Hi
> I'm trying to load some heavy js file only after a user have clicked on
> button
> so basically when user loads the main page there is a hidden page inside
> <ui:include
>      <h:body>
>         <h:form>
>             <h:commandButton value="ClickMe" action="#{myBean.callme()}" >
>                 <f:ajax render="includeWrapper"></f:ajax>
>             </h:commandButton>
>             <h:panelGroup id="includeWrapper">
>                 wrapper
>                 <h:panelGroup rendered="#{}">
>                     <ui:include src="/page2.xhtml"></ui:include>
>                 </h:panelGroup>
>             </h:panelGroup>
>         </h:form>
>     </h:body>
> that hidden page got <h:outputScript that should be rendered when  user
> will click on the commandButton
> page2.xhtml looks like this
> <ui:composition xmlns=""; xmlns:ui="
>     xmlns:h=""; xmlns:f="
>     xmlns:c="";>
>     #{}
>     <h:outputScript library="js" name="myscript.js"
> rendered="#{}"/>
>     Woooow
> </ui:composition>
> and my callme looks like this
>     public void callme(){
>         show = !show;
>         System.out.println("caaaaaaaaaaaal me\t"+show);
>     }
> This works perfectly in my mojarra sandbox , but for some reason it is not
> being loaded in my Myfaces 2.0.11 application I even tried the latest 2.1.8
> snapshot
> Is there any web.xml configuration that I'm missing
> Thanks ahead,
> Daniel.

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