for the jsf-source
Line 57: <h:graphicImage 
value="/images/#{personenBean.aktuellePerson.geschlecht eq 'w' ? 

and the bean
public class Person implements Serializable {
        @Column(name = "\"geschlecht\"", nullable = false, length = 1)
        private char geschlecht;

MyFaces 2.1.7 throws
Caused by:<br/>javax.el.ELException - Cannot convert w of type class 
java.lang.String to class java.lang.Long
 at org.apache.el.lang.ELSupport.coerceToNumber(
personen.xhtml at line 57 and column 92    
value="/images/#{personenBean.aktuellePerson.geschlecht eq 'w' ? 

Why does it try to convert the char 'w' to a long values although the 
referenced field is a char value?


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