Tobias Eisentrager wrote:
> I have used Trinidad to develop a couple production applications which are
> now in the maintenance phase - and am quite happy with it. The hard part
> for me was to adapt the css and js which came with the components. It's
> difficult to adapt the components to your existing style. In my cases the
> time I saved with using the pre-made component library I spent customizing
> the layout.
> Nowadays I use:
> - MyFaces 2.1.1 Core
> - Custom Composite Component Library

Interesting; that wasn't the case for us. Especially components
like Trinidad tree and paging data tables with sub-tables are hard
to develop oneself in the same quality as Trinidad's ones, IMHO.

I have to say that actually skinning as associated CSS adaption is
one of the best aspects of Trinidad that I've found. It was easy to
get into; reasonably well documented, and realization of our
designer's layouts was easily done. (I have to say that we use all
Trinidad components in simple mode, maybe that makes it different
for you.)

JS adaption is worse, though, since user-level documentation (i.e.,
on UI programming level) is not really available.


Joachim Schrod, Roedermark, Germany

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