Thanks Rafael and Leonardo.

Its very easy with target, this solution is best in my opinion.


Thanks again

2012/6/29 Leonardo Uribe <>:
> Hi
> You can try the alternate syntax using "targets". For example:
> <composite:interface>
>    <composite:attribute name="action" targets="testComponent"/>
> </composite:interface>
> <composite:implementation>
>    <h:commandButton id="testComponent" value="Press Me"/>
> </composite:implementation>
> Instead use EL, you can use the id hierarchy to locate the component.
> In this case, there will not be NullPointerException, because only if
> the property is set, the value is assigned. I have tested both syntax
> in MyFaces with tons of tests:
> and it works without problem.
> regards,
> Leonardo Uribe
> 2012/6/29 Rafael Pestano <>:
>> again,
>> <cc:implementation>
>>     <h:commandButton
>>                 value="Ok" rendered="#{not empty cc.attrs.action and 
>> empty cc.attrs.actionListener}"
>>                 action="#{cc.attrs.action}"
>>     />
>>   <h:commandButton
>>                 value="Ok" rendered="#{not empty cc.attrs.actionListener and 
>> empty cc.attrs.action}"
>>                 actionListener="#{cc.attrs.actionListener}"
>>     />
>>   <h:commandButton
>>                 value="Ok" rendered="#{not empty cc.attrs.actionListener and 
>> not empty cc.attrs.action}"
>>                 actionListener="#{cc.attrs.actionListener}"
>>                  action="#{cc.attrs.action}"
>>     />
>> </cc:implementation>
>> Att,
>> Rafael M. Pestano
>> Desenvolvedor Java Cia. de Processamento de Dados do Rio Grande do Sul
>> Graduando em Ciência da Computação UFRGS
>> ----- Mensagem original -----
>> De: Rafael Pestano <>
>> Para: MyFaces Discussion <>
>> Cc:
>> Enviadas: Quinta-feira, 28 de Junho de 2012 23:12
>> Assunto: Re: Custom tag
>> you can try:
>> <cc:implementation>
>>     <h:commandButton
>>                 value="Ok" rendered="#{not empty cc.attrs.action and 
>> empty cc.attrs.actionListener}"
>>                 action="#{cc.attrs.action}"
>>     />
>>   <h:commandButton
>>                 value="Ok" rendered="#{not empty cc.attrs.actionListener and 
>> empty cc.attrs.action}"
>>                 actionListener="#{cc.attrs.actionListener}"
>>                 action="#{cc.attrs.action}"
>>     />
>>   <h:commandButton
>>                 value="Ok" rendered="#{not empty cc.attrs.actionListener and 
>> not empty cc.attrs.action}"
>>                 actionListener="#{cc.attrs.actionListener}"
>>     />
>> </cc:implementation>
>> maybe it helps.
>> Att,
>> Rafael M. Pestano
>> Desenvolvedor Java Cia. de Processamento de Dados do Rio Grande do Sul
>> Graduando em Ciência da Computação UFRGS
>> ________________________________
>> De: José Luis Cetina <>
>> Para: MyFaces Discussion <>
>> Enviadas: Quinta-feira, 28 de Junho de 2012 18:28
>> Assunto: Custom tag
>> Hi i have this:
>> Simple custom tag:
>> <cc: interface componentType="my_button" >
>>   <cc:attribute name="action" method-signature="java.lang.String action()"/>
>>   <cc:attribute name="actionListener" method-signature="void
>> actionListener(javax.faces.event.ActionEvent event)"/>
>> </ cc:interface>
>> <cc:implementation>
>>     <h:commandButton
>>                 value="Ok"
>>                 action="#{cc.attrs.action}"
>>                 actionListener="#{cc.attrs.actionListener}"
>>      />
>> </cc:implementation>
>> Then in my page i do:
>> <mytags:mybutton action="#{myBean.actionMethod}"/>
>> But i get a NullPointerException, this is because im not setting the
>> actionListener attribute, but the thing is that sometimes i need or
>> only action or actionlistener not both, but i have to provided both if
>> not i get the nullpointer.
>> I have to do this, but the listener method is empty in my managedbean,
>> i only do this for avoid the nullpointer.
>> <mytags:mybutton action="#{myBean.actionMethod}"
>> actionListener="#{myBean.actionListenerMethod}"/>
>> how can i avoid this?
>> Thanks
>> -------------------------------------------------------------------
>> SCJA. José Luis Cetina
>> -------------------------------------------------------------------

SCJA. José Luis Cetina

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