
with template:

    <h:messages />

    <h:inputText required="true" label="1" />
    <h:inputText required="true" label="2" />
    <h:inputText required="true" label="3" />
    <h:commandButton value="Submit" />

messages in h:messages does not match order of components, h:messages will show:

2: Validation error
3: Validation error
1: Validation error
It looks like that problem occurs where h:messages is wrapped in another component, this works:

<h:messages />
    <h:inputText required="true" label="1" />
    <h:inputText required="true" label="2" />
    <h:inputText required="true" label="3" />
    <h:commandButton value="Submit" />
but this doesn't:

    <h:messages />

        <h:inputText required="true" label="1" />
        <h:inputText required="true" label="2" />
        <h:inputText required="true" label="3" />
        <h:commandButton value="Submit" />
With Mojarra h:messages or PrimeFaces p:messages message order does match component order. Should I file this as bug?


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