hi christian,

please file a jira ticket and attach the demo there.

thx & regards,

2012/8/28 Christian Beikov <christian.bei...@gmail.com>

> Hello guys!
> I just found a "bug" in the CODI code and wanted to report that to you. In
> The attachment you can find a maven WAR project that will show the error
> when you try to access the page.
> This occurs, because the session cookie of the webapp is configured to be
> secure, but if you don't access the application via https you get
> redirected forever.
> The reason for that is of course, that no session is available at the
> server side when the redirected request arrives at the server side.
> The only solution to that is, to supply a specialized WindowContextConfig#
> **isUrlParameterSupported that returns false, but that results in
> ViewExpiredException on Postback.
> In my opinion CODI should somehow forward to an error page or so when this
> kind of configuration happens or don't redirect to use window ids at all.
> Regards,
> Christian

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