Have you tried tracing what is happening through the debugger?
My guess is that there's a bug in the t:selectOneRadio renderer.
It seems like it would be straightforward to determine the cause and
submit a patch.
You might even be able to find the problem by examining the
t:selectOneRadio encoding code.

On Wed, Aug 8, 2012 at 6:49 AM, Patrick Meyer <patrick.me...@o2.pl> wrote:
> Hi,
> I would like to format selectItem label with html tags in  selectOneRadio 
> component. But the label is not rendered as HTML. What I'm doing wrong?
> &lt;t:selectOneRadio id="idRadioJSF" layout="spread" &gt;
>         &lt;f:selectItem itemValue="1" 
> itemLabel="#{controller.formatLabel('test')}" escape="false" /&gt;
> &lt;/t:selectOneRadio&gt;
> &lt;t:radio index="0" for="idRadioJSF" id="testRADIOJSF0" /&gt;
> My Method looks like :
> public String formatLabel(String label){
>         return  "&lt;span class=\"description\"&gt;"+label+"&lt;/span&gt;" ;
>  }
> Browser render it like :
> &lt;input id="page:tabRepeat:0:parameterRepeat:0:testRADIOJSF0" type="radio" 
> name="page:tabRepeat:0:parameterRepeat:0:idRadioJSF" value="1" /&gt;
> &lt;label for="page:tabRepeat:0:parameterRepeat:0:testRADIOJSF0"&gt; 
> &amp;lt;span 
> class=&amp;quot;description&amp;quot;&amp;gt;test&amp;lt;/span&amp;gt;&lt;/label&gt;
>  I'm using Myfaces ver 2.1.1 and Tomahawk lib.
> Regards,
> Patrick

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