Thanks. Can you please send a sample code how to add trinidad component as
a partial target?

On Mon, Nov 19, 2012 at 11:29 AM, Scott O'Bryan <darkar...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I don't have time to look through the entire thing, but I think if you add
> your tree component as a partial target, it might give you what you want.
>  I believe your model is being updated properly but I'm not sure the
> changes to the component are being sent.  This is just a quick suggestion
> based on the symptom.
> On Thu Nov 15 15:03:20 2012, muhibd23 wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I am working on a web application. Everything is working fine. I just
>> need a
>> simple help. I have populated a tree using JSF/trinidad tree component.
>> However, I want to expand the tree branches by clicking (+) sign and
>> collapse the tree branches by clicking (-) sign. It's not working
>> properly.
>> What's happening is that, I have to click the (+) sign and then click the
>> root node to expand the next branch. Similarly, While collapsing, I have
>> to
>> click the (-) sign and then click the child node to collapse it, but I
>> want
>> to expand/ collapse nodes by clicking (+) or (-) sign.
>> My jsp side code:
>> <trh:cellFormat valign="top">
>>                  <tr:panelHeader>
>>                      <script type="text/javascript"
>> src="CollapsibleLists.js"></**script>
>>                              <tr:tree var="node"
>> value="#{fileTreeHandler.**treeModel}">
>>                                <f:facet name="nodeStamp">
>>                                  <tr:panelGroupLayout>
>>                                      <tr:commandLink text =
>> "#{node.description}"
>> actionListener="#{**fileTreeHandler.downloadFile}"**/>
>>                                  </tr:panelGroupLayout>
>>                                </f:facet>
>>                              </tr:tree>
>>                  </tr:panelHeader>
>>                </trh:cellFormat>
>> Here is the filetreehandler code:
>> import org.acegisecurity.**Authentication;
>> import org.acegisecurity.context.**SecurityContextHolder;
>> import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
>> import org.apache.myfaces.trinidad.**component.core.data.CoreTree;
>> import org.apache.myfaces.trinidad.**event.FocusEvent;
>> import org.apache.myfaces.trinidad.**model.ChildPropertyTreeModel;
>> import org.apache.myfaces.trinidad.**model.RowKeySet;
>> import org.apache.myfaces.trinidad.**model.TreeModel;
>> import javax.faces.context.**ExternalContext;
>> import javax.faces.context.**FacesContext;
>> import javax.servlet.http.**HttpServletResponse;
>> import java.io.*;
>> import java.util.ArrayList;
>> import java.util.Iterator;
>> import java.util.List;
>> /**
>>   * A Simple tree model used to create a graphical tree representation
>> for a
>>   * given directory.
>>   *
>>   * @author Ric Smith, Oracle Corp.
>>   */
>> @SessionScoped
>> public class FileTreeHandler implements Serializable {
>>      /** Apache tree model. */
>>      private TreeModel treeModel;
>>      private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
>>      /** Was a node found. */
>>      private boolean foundDirectory = false;
>>      //private RowKeySet disclosedEntries;
>>      private CoreTree tree;
>>      private Object clickedNodeRowKey;
>>      /** Logging for the class. */
>>      private Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(this.**getClass());
>>      /**
>>       * Constructor.
>>       * Reads the given directory.
>>       * Sets the treeModel nodes for all files and directories in the
>>       * input directory.
>>       *
>>       * @param baseDirectory
>>       */
>>      //RowKeySetImpl rowKeySet = new RowKeySetImpl();
>>      public FileTreeHandler(String baseDirectory) {
>>          logger.debug("In constructor");
>>          List<FileNode> nodes = new ArrayList<FileNode>();
>>          Authentication authentic =
>> SecurityContextHolder.**getContext().**getAuthentication();
>>          String username = authentic.getName(); // Storing logged in
>> username
>> into String
>>          String dir = baseDirectory  + "/" + username;
>>          FileNode rootNode = buildFileTree(dir);
>>          if (rootNode.getChildCount() == 0) {
>>              setFoundDirectory(false);
>>          } else {
>>              setFoundDirectory(true);
>>          }
>>          nodes.add(rootNode);
>>          treeModel = new ChildPropertyTreeModel(nodes, "children") {
>>            public boolean isContainer() {
>>                  return ((FileNode) getRowData()).getChildCount() > 0;
>>              }
>>          };
>>          //UIXHierarchy tree = (UIXHierarchy)treeModel.**getRowData();
>>         // RowKeySet disclosedEntries = new RowKeySetTreeImpl();
>>          //disclosedEntries.**setCollectionModel(treeModel);
>>      }
>>      /**
>>       * Simple action event used to init the download of a file within the
>> tree.
>>       *
>>       *
>>       * @param evt
>>       * @throws IOException
>>       */
>>      public void downloadFile(String evt) throws IOException {
>>          FileNode selectedNode = ((FileNode) treeModel.getRowData());
>>          if (!selectedNode.isDir()) {
>>              File selectedFile = selectedNode.getFile();
>>              downloadFile(selectedFile);
>>          }
>>      }
>>      /**
>>       * A helper method to setup the current session for the download.
>>       *
>>       * @param file
>>       * @throws IOException
>>       */
>>      private static void downloadFile(File file) throws IOException {
>>          FacesContext facesContext = FacesContext.**getCurrentInstance();
>>          ExternalContext extContext = facesContext.**
>> getExternalContext();
>>          Long length = file.length();
>>          HttpServletResponse response = (HttpServletResponse) extContext
>>                  .getResponse();
>>          //response.setContentType("**applicatiion/octet-stream");
>>          response.setHeader("Content-**Disposition",
>> "attachment;filename=\""
>>                  + file.getName() + "\"");
>>          response.setContentLength((**int) length.intValue());
>>          InputStream in = new FileInputStream(file);
>>          OutputStream out = response.getOutputStream();
>>          byte[] buf = new byte[4096];
>>          int count;
>>          while ((count = in.read(buf)) >= 0) {
>>              out.write(buf, 0, count);
>>          }
>>          count = 0;
>>          while ((count = in.read(buf)) >= 0) {
>>              out.write(buf, 0, count);
>>          }
>>          in.close();
>>          out.flush();
>>          out.close();
>>          facesContext.responseComplete(**);
>>      }
>>      /**
>>       * Generates a tree of FileNodes for a given dir.
>>       *
>>       * @param dirpath
>>       * @return
>>       */
>>      private static FileNode buildFileTree(String dirpath) {
>>          File root = new File(dirpath);
>>          return visitAllDirsAndFiles(root);
>>      }
>>     /* public void handleRowDisclosure(**RowDisclosureEvent
>> rowDisclosureEvent)
>> throws Exception {
>>         Object rowKey = null;
>>         UIXHierarchy rowData = null;
>>         String viewDefName = null;
>>         TreeModel treemodel = (TreeModel)rowDisclosureEvent.**
>> getSource();
>>         RowKeySet rks = rowDisclosureEvent.**getAddedSet();
>>         if (rks != null) {
>>            int setSize = rks.size();
>>            if (setSize > 1) {
>>                throw new Exception("Unexpected multiple row disclosure row
>> sets");
>>            }
>>            if (setSize == 0)
>>                return;
>>            rowKey = rks.iterator().next();
>>            treemodel.setRowKey(rowKey);
>>            rowData = (UIXHierarchy)treemodel.**getRowData();
>>            if (rowData.getContainerRowKey() != null) {
>>                viewDefName =
>>                        rowData.getContainerRowKey().**g;
>>            }
>>         }
>>      }  */
>>      /**
>>       * Recurses over a given directory.
>>       *
>>       * @param dir
>>       * @return
>>       */
>>      private static FileNode visitAllDirsAndFiles(File dir) {
>>          FileNode parentNode = process(dir);
>>          if (dir.isDirectory()) {
>>              String[] children = dir.list();
>>              for (int i = 0; i < children.length; i++) {
>>                  FileNode childNode = visitAllDirsAndFiles(new File(dir,
>>                          children[i]));
>>                  parentNode.getChildren().add(**childNode);
>>              }
>>          }
>>          return parentNode;
>>      }
>>      /**
>>       * Creates a file node for a given file. Any file processing should
>> be
>> done
>>       * here.
>>       *
>>       * @param dir
>>       * @return FileNode
>>       */
>>      public static FileNode process(File dir) {
>>          FileNode node = new FileNode(dir);
>>          return node;
>>      }
>>      public void clickTree(FocusEvent event)
>>      {
>>          RowKeySet rks = getTree().getDisclosedRowKeys(**);
>>          rks.invert();
>>          List<List> clickedNodePath = (List<List>) clickedNodeRowKey;
>>          Iterator i = getTree().getDisclosedRowKeys(**).iterator();
>>          boolean closedNode = false;
>>          while (i.hasNext()) {
>>                      List openNodePath = (List) i.next();
>>                      if (openNodePath.equals(**clickedNodeRowKey)) {
>>                              rks.remove(clickedNodePath);
>>                              closedNode = true;
>>                          }
>>                      }
>>          // open clicked node
>>                  if (!closedNode) {
>>                     rks.add(clickedNodePath);
>>                  }
>>      }
>>     /*public void handleRowDisclosure(**RowDisclosureEvent event)
>>      {
>>        RowKeySet added = event.getAddedSet();
>>        RowKeySet removed = event.getRemovedSet();
>>        if(disclosedEntries == null)
>>        {
>>          disclosedEntries = added;
>>        }
>>        else
>>        {
>>          if(!added.isEmpty())
>>          {
>>            disclosedEntries.addAll(added)**;
>>          }
>>          if(!removed.isEmpty())
>>          {
>>            disclosedEntries.removeAll(**removed);
>>          }
>>        }
>>      }*/
>>      public void setTreeModel(TreeModel treeModel) {
>>          this.treeModel = treeModel;
>>      }
>>      public TreeModel getTreeModel() {
>>          return treeModel;
>>      }
>>      public boolean getFoundDirectory() {
>>          return foundDirectory;
>>      }
>>      public void setFoundDirectory(boolean foundDirectory) {
>>          this.foundDirectory = foundDirectory;
>>      }
>>      public void setTree(CoreTree tree) {
>>             this.tree = tree;
>>         }
>>      public CoreTree getTree() {
>>            return tree;
>>         }
>>         public void setClickedNodeRowKey(Object clickedNodeRowKey) {
>>             this.clickedNodeRowKey = clickedNodeRowKey;
>>         }
>>      public Object getClickedNodeRowKey() {
>>             return clickedNodeRowKey;
>>         }
>>     /* public RowKeySetImpl getRowKeySet()
>>      {
>>             return rowKeySet;
>>      }
>>      public void setRowKeySet(RowKeySetImpl rowKeySet)
>>      {
>>             this.rowKeySet = rowKeySet;
>>      }  */
>> }
>> However, I'm using Spring here. I know I'm doing something wrong, but no
>> idea. Please help.
>> Thanks

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