I replaced PrimeFaces 3.5 SNAPSHOT with PrimeFaces 3.4.1 (stable version),
and I am still duplicating this issue in my web app. So, this is *not* a
PrimeFaces 3.4.1 issue.

On Wed, Nov 21, 2012 at 3:45 PM, Howard W. Smith, Jr. <
smithh032...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I removed Apache CODI JARs from classpath and duplicated this issue, so
> this may be a TomEE/OpenEJB (OpenWebBeans) issue.
> Please confirm.
> Thanks,
> Howard
> On Wed, Nov 21, 2012 at 3:19 PM, Howard W. Smith, Jr. <
> smithh032...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> The following is the XHTML for the *FROM* and *TO* p:calendar components
>> in PrimeFaces p:dataTable component. Please note that the *mode="popup"
>> showOn="button"* is hardcoded in the xhtml below, and is not
>> conditionally dependent on EL.
>> As the screen captures will show, I am testing this via my
>> test/development server, so please do not think I'm testing from iPad
>> (since there is EL for iPad devices below).
>> This issue is not happening in the Production environment (Glassfish
>> and MyFaces Core 2.1.9).
>>     <p:calendar id="filterTripDateFrom"
>>                 value="#{pf_ordersController.filterTripDateFrom}"
>>                 mode="popup" showOn="button"
>> readonlyInput="#{pf_usersController.loggedInViaIpad == 'Y' ? 'true' :
>> 'false'}"
>>                 navigator="true" effect="fadeIn"
>>                 pattern="MM/dd/yyyy" size="10">
>>         <p:ajax partialSubmit="false"
>>                 event="dateSelect"
>> listener="#{pf_ordersController.filterTripDateFromSelected}"
>>                 update=":ordersBrowseForm:ordersDataTable
>> :ordersBrowseForm:formMessages :ordersBrowseForm:_ajax_status" />
>>     </p:calendar>
>>     <h:outputText value="To:" />
>>     <p:calendar id="filterTripDateTo"
>> value="#{pf_ordersController.filterTripDateTo}"
>>                 mode="popup" showOn="button"
>> readonlyInput="#{pf_usersController.loggedInViaIpad == 'Y' ? 'true' :
>> 'false'}"
>>                 navigator="true" effect="fadeIn" pattern="MM/dd/yyyy"
>> size="10">
>>         <p:ajax partialSubmit="false"
>>                 event="dateSelect"
>> listener="#{pf_ordersController.filterTripDateToSelected}"
>>                 update=":ordersBrowseForm:ordersDataTable
>> :ordersBrowseForm:formMessages :ordersBrowseForm:_ajax_status" />
>>     </p:calendar>
>> On Wed, Nov 21, 2012 at 3:06 PM, Howard W. Smith, Jr. <
>> smithh032...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> You all know by now that I recently migrated
>>> *FROM*: Glassfish, MyFaces 2.1.9, and JSF Managed beans
>>> *TO*: TomEE 1.5 SNAPSHOT, Apache MyFaces CDI Extensions 1.0.6 (CODI),
>>> and CDI managed beans
>>> So, I am regression testing, and I am experiencing a very very strange
>>> issue with *TomEE/CODI* (development/test environment) that I have
>>> never seen with *Glassfish *and* MyFaces 2.1.9* (currently in
>>> production).
>>> Attached you will find screen captures:
>>>    1. Page that shows *FROM* and *TO* (PrimeFaces) p:calendar
>>>    components (jQuery DatePicker) that has *button* beside the textInput
>>>    2. Page that shows FROM and TO p:calendar components *without the
>>>    button* beside textInput; this is an issue and *not* working as
>>>    designed; this happens *sporadically after AJAX update* on the page,
>>>    after I click the p:calendar button to update the data on the page via 
>>> AJAX
>>> Someone please open an issue for this, and let me know if this is a
>>> TomEE/OpenEJB issue *or* MyFaces Core 2.1.9 and CODI issue. This is the
>>> reason why I am sending this email to both user mail lists.
>>> Thanks,
>>> Howard

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