Couple of things I noticed:

1) action method is typically used for returning string for jsf navigation.
I have encounter weird issues sometimes with JSF when I use action method
as something else than a method called for custom logic with navigation.

Give ActionListener a try to see what happens.

2) Was the netbeans debugger used at all?? Try debugging the app and put
break points in each of the methods so that you can see what is happening.

3) Does session scoped have to be used?? Try using a limited scope such as
ViewScoped when you don't need to have session scoped objects.


1. I have tried ActionListener as follows. with the rest of the code the same, 
as in my first post:

                <h:selectOneListbox id="studentList" 
valueChangeListener="#{studBean.studentCodeChanged}" size="5" > 
                    <f:selectItems value="#{studBean.studentList}" /> 

On this scenario, after the list populates, when I select one entry from the 
list using the mouse, the screen refresehes and the list goes empty. No backing 
bean function is called.

In this case, the function 'studentCodeChanged' should have been called. But 
when I press <Detail> button the value of studentId is null;
    public void studentCodeChanged(ValueChangeEvent e){ 
        studentId = e.getNewValue().toString(); 
                System.out.println("studentId = "+studentId); 

2. I am extensively using only System.out.println in the backing bean 
functions. The glassfish log shows my messages on all the conditions, except 
when selecting a entry from the list and then the <Detail> button being 
pressed. As in the prev sentence, the glassfish entry shows nothing.

3. I will try to limit the scope, but will this in any way help to find a 
solution to this problem.

Thanks for your comments.


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