
I'm glad to post my first message on this ml ;)

I have the infamous but well known duplicate id behaviour with the
following code:
        <p:commandButton action="#{sessionBean.add}" value="add"
        <p:commandButton action="#{sessionBean.reset}" value="reset"

    <h:form id="myForm">
        <c:forEach items="#{sessionBean.values}" var="value">
            <ui:include src="#{value}"/>

At the beginning "sessionBean.values" is empty.
Action 1 : User clicks on "add", the add action adds "form0.xhtml" to
Action 2 : User clicks on "add", the add action adds "form1.xhtml" to

*form0.xhtml contains : *
<p:fileUpload auto="false"  mode="advanced" required="true"
*form1.xhtml contains :*
<h:outputText value=""/>

My issue is action 2 returns a duplicate id exception:<partial-response>

<error-message><![CDATA[component with duplicate id "j_id4" found]]>

j_id4 is the stylesheet of the fileUpload component :
@ResourceDependency(library="primefaces", name="fileupload/fileupload.css"),

This stylesheet is inserted with action 1. And it seems myfaces tries to
insert it with action 2 too.

Do I do something wrong ?

Thanks for your help!


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