>From the JSF spec:
  ■ If the servlet context contains a ValidatorFactory instance under the
attribute named
javax.faces.validator.beanValidator.ValidatorFactory, this instance is used
by JSF to acquire Validator instances
(specifically in the BeanValidator). This key should be defined in the
on BeanValidator.

You should be able to export the Spring-created ValidatorFactory into the
ServletContext using


On Wed, Apr 3, 2013 at 11:47 AM, Johannes Murth <johannes.mu...@gmail.com>wrote:

> hi!
> in our project, we have a specific configuration of the jsr 303 validator
> which is configured with the constructor. it's actually a spring bean. how
> can we tell myfaces to use specific validator object? or is there an other
> way to customize the validator?
> specifically, we want to configure the message resolving for error
> messages.
> thanks in advance and best regards, johannes murth

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