The Apache MyFaces team is pleased to announce the release of MyFaces Core

MyFaces Core is a JavaServer(tm) Faces 2.2 implementation as specified by

MyFaces Core 2.2.0-beta is available in both binary and source


MyFaces Core is also available in the central Maven repository under Group
ID "org.apache.myfaces.core".


    [MYFACES-3654] - implement small threadsafe Random algorithm
    [MYFACES-3741] - Implement CDI Flow Scope
    [MYFACES-3742] - Implement @FlowDefinition annotation
    [MYFACES-3764] - Implement
FlowHandler.getLastDisplayedViewId(FacesContext context) logic
    [MYFACES-3765] - Implement
FlowHandler.clientWindowTransition(FacesContext context)
    [MYFACES-3788] - Improve log message in RendererUtils.getClientId with
component location


    [MYFACES-2799] - JSF 2.1: jsf.js viewstate handling does not entirely
work out (bug filed on the spec tracker
    [MYFACES-3648] - some jsf files contain illegal UTF characters
    [MYFACES-3649] - myfaces-shaded-impl always unpacks myfaces-2.1.1
    [MYFACES-3650] - myfaces-2.2.x poms not properly set up
    [MYFACES-3657] - 2.2 branch: checkstyle violation prevents compile
    [MYFACES-3671] - jsf-uncompressed.js contains 'import' of not existing
file '_FinalizeableObj.js'
    [MYFACES-3697] - Error while parsing Facelet-Lib hides the real reason
when logging
    [MYFACES-3698] - h:body onload and onunload attributes rendered twice
if optimization enabled
    [MYFACES-3739] - @ResourceDependency annotation + JSF 1.2 state saving
+ c:if (dynamic section) creates components on each click (UIViewRoot grows)
    [MYFACES-3758] - Check for responseComplete or renderResponse only if a
phase listeners is used
    [MYFACES-3773] - ui:repeat with offset and size does not behave as
    [MYFACES-3781] - f:view tag must be processed when view metadata is
    [MYFACES-3802] - CDI FlowBuilderFactoryBean declares
javax.faces.bean.ApplicationScoped (JSF managed bean annotation)


    [MYFACES-3768] - FacesMessage Severity ordinal values are not
consistent with Mojarra RI
    [MYFACES-3774] - [perf] use facetName as a hint when try to find a
component on refresh view algorithm
    [MYFACES-3775] - [perf] optional early flush
    [MYFACES-3776] - [perf] cache FacesContext at ClientBehaviorBase level
    [MYFACES-3777] - [perf] minimize FacesContext.getCurrentInstance() in
some new points
    [MYFACES-3778] - [perf] cache url and request path for default Resource

New Feature

    [MYFACES-3588] - window-id support
    [MYFACES-3706] - jsf.js jsf22, implement resetValues on the JS side of
    [MYFACES-3723] - JSF 2.2: Support parameter
    [MYFACES-3725] - JSF 2.2: Custom webapp resources dir with
    [MYFACES-3797] - cdi support for converters and validators


    [MYFACES-3674] - Implement f:viewAction
    [MYFACES-3676] - Implement FlashFactory and related events
    [MYFACES-3677] - Implement 'javax.faces.WEBAPP_RESOURCES_DIRECTORY'
    [MYFACES-3678] - Add ActionListenerWrapper class
    [MYFACES-3679] - Implement
    [MYFACES-3681] - Implement CollectionDataModel
    [MYFACES-3682] - Implement Client Side Request Forgery protection
    [MYFACES-3683] - Implement AjaxBehavior resetValues and delay
    [MYFACES-3684] - UIViewParameter.getSubmittedValue() return value can
be Object in JSF 2.2 spec
    [MYFACES-3685] - Implement f:attributes facelet tag
    [MYFACES-3686] - Implement f:passThroughAttribute and
    [MYFACES-3688] - Implement ExternalContext.getSessionId()
    [MYFACES-3691] - Implement Faces Flows
    [MYFACES-3692] - Implement jsf:element tag and default TagDecorator
    [MYFACES-3693] - Implement ExternalContext.getApplicationContextPath()
    [MYFACES-3694] - Add httpOnly to ExternalContext.addResponseCookie(...)
    [MYFACES-3701] - Restoring view scope before view is build
    [MYFACES-3714] - Implement stateless mode using f:view "transient"
    [MYFACES-3716] - Implement h:inputFile
    [MYFACES-3717] - Implement "role" attribute in related components and
    [MYFACES-3718] - Replace with
    [MYFACES-3729] - Implement resource library contracts specification
    [MYFACES-3730] - Implement ViewDeclarationLanguageWrapper
    [MYFACES-3733] - Implement vdl.createComponent(...)
    [MYFACES-3734] - Implement @FacesComponent createTag, namespace and
tagName attributes
    [MYFACES-3738] - Add media attribute to h:outputStylesheet
    [MYFACES-3740] - ResourceResolver "this" identifier applies for
contracts too in JSF 2.2
    [MYFACES-3747] - Implement new JSF 2.2 ViewScope specification
    [MYFACES-3750] - Allow to reference composite components directly from
facelets taglib file using <resource-id>
    [MYFACES-3753] - CompositeComponentELResolver map containsKey() should
take into account default values
    [MYFACES-3754] - Update PartialViewContext and PartialResponseWriter to
new spec
    [MYFACES-3755] - Show detail message on title of tooltip when
showDetail is set or is available for h:message or h:messages
    [MYFACES-3756] - @FacesComponent and @FacesValidator value are now
    [MYFACES-3757] - Implement passthrough attributes using
    [MYFACES-3759] - Implement @FaceletsResourceResolver annotation
    [MYFACES-3761] - Implement html5 doctype on facelets compiler
    [MYFACES-3770] - Implement <f:resetValues> tag and <f:ajax
resetValues=true ... >
    [MYFACES-3771] - h:commandButton renderer now can have children
    [MYFACES-3783] - Use tree visiting to pss algorithm in 2.2.x
    [MYFACES-3784] - Add EL 3 ELResolvers when they are available
    [MYFACES-3785] - RendererWrapper logic (@ListenerFor and
    [MYFACES-3786] - Web Container injection support should be provided for
additional lifecycle artifacts (not just managed beans)
    [MYFACES-3801] - Passthrough attributes does not require URI encoding
like in writeURIAttribute


Leonardo Uribe

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