The Apache MyFaces team is pleased to announce the release of MyFaces
Core 2.2.0.

MyFaces Core is a JavaServer(tm) Faces 2.2 implementation as specified
by JSR-344.

The artifacts passed the TCK test of Feb 2013 (

MyFaces Core 2.2.0 is available in both binary and source distributions.


MyFaces Core is also available in the central Maven repository under
Group ID "org.apache.myfaces.core".


    [MYFACES-3820] - UIInput.setSubmittedValue() cause recursive call
when calling getSubmittedValue() on Debug
    [MYFACES-3821] - Implement UIData.setDataModel(...)
    [MYFACES-3824] - @FlowScope with no defining documentId set cannot
found active flow with explicit documentId
    [MYFACES-3829] - alwaysRecompile logged as wrong value for
org.apache.myfaces.CACHE_EL_EXPRESSIONS on startup
    [MYFACES-3830] - Component created using @FacesComponent with
createTag=true and @ResourceDependency makes initialization fail
    [MYFACES-3831] - CacheELFaceletCacheImpl is not storing the
compiled template (only when "alwaysRecompile" is enabled)
    [MYFACES-3832] - disableClientWindow is not fully implemented
    [MYFACES-3834] - Restore
org.apache.myfaces.config.impl.digester.elements.FacesConfig to avoid
tomee integration to fail
    [MYFACES-3835] - ViewState gets truncated on chrome with richfaces
fileupload component
    [MYFACES-3836] - f:ajax disabled=false in commandButton with
onclick prevents form submission
    [MYFACES-3837] - ui:debug renders an & but it should be &
because the markup is inside a CDATA section
    [MYFACES-3838] - LegacyUserTagHandler should implement
    [MYFACES-3839] - Relative implicit link not found when it
reference parent nodes.


    [MYFACES-3804] - Use the same key in server side state saving for
ajax requests
    [MYFACES-3806] - Destroy ViewScope beans when view is discarded
from view state.
    [MYFACES-3815] - Lazy instantiation of Renderer classes
    [MYFACES-3819] - Allow override resource components using a tag handler
    [MYFACES-3823] - [perf] use a preinitialized table of unique ids
for UIViewRoot.createUniqueId(...)
    [MYFACES-3825] - [perf] Cache EL expressions using an indirection
for ui:param and user tag attributes
    [MYFACES-3828] - [perf] Do not store the namespace into state for
dynamic components

New Feature

    [MYFACES-3664] - JSF View Pooling (going beyond JSF Stateless Mode)


    [MYFACES-3647] - remove JspStateManagerImpl and other unused stuff
in this area
    [MYFACES-3715] - Remove unnecessary parameters or features from
earlier versions in MyFaces 2.2
    [MYFACES-3809] - Add as a valid
namespace for "c" jstl library in facelets
    [MYFACES-3810] - Add compatibility mode for facelets 1.1.x behavior
    [MYFACES-3811] - Fix c:forEach behavior once for all
    [MYFACES-3812] - Cleanup Facelets Initialization Code and decouple
facelets taglibrary config parsing
    [MYFACES-3813] - Cleanup
org.apache.myfaces.config.impl.digester.elements package
    [MYFACES-3814] - Allow ServiceProviderFinder to be initialized at startup
    [MYFACES-3818] - Unify behavior of composite component renderer
    [MYFACES-3822] - General cleanup and remove unused web config params
    [MYFACES-3826] - Add junit test case for MyFaces and CDI
    [MYFACES-3827] - Replace .xsd with the ones from geronimo or
written from scratch


Leonardo Uribe

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