On Wed, Jan 15, 2014 at 2:27 AM, Howard W. Smith, Jr. <
smithh032...@gmail.com> wrote:

> FYI, I 'want' to migrate to MyFaces 2.2.0 in production, and I think I
> will do it anyway, but please answer my question above about this
> behavior/implementation/test-results-of-mine.

well, I'm running MyFaces 2.2.0 in production now, and GC is the same as
when I was running MyFaces 2.1.3 (and when I was using OmniFaces CDI
@ViewScoped). this is my jvisualvm graph[1], today (this morning).

Still a satisfied/happy MyFaces user, and happy to be 'now' using MyFaces
2.2.0. Maybe I can ask TomEE users/committers to add MyFaces 2.2.0 to the
stack! :)

[1] http://postimg.org/image/u2y6j11tt/

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