Agreed, i really don't want to deploy Mojarra to TomEE. Problem is I don't know 
how to port the Mojarra dependent code to MyFaces. It starts with me not 
knowing which MyFaces maven dependencies i need to import to "replace" the old 

Gesendet: Donnerstag, 13. Februar 2014 um 13:25 Uhr
Von: "Romain Manni-Bucau" <>
An: "MyFaces Discussion" <>
Betreff: Re: Problems with a custom component when migrating from 
Glassfish(mojarra) to TomEE
in tomee you can also use mojarra but I'd just keep my component
portable with myfaces if possible
Romain Manni-Bucau
Twitter: @rmannibucau

2014-02-13 13:23 GMT+01:00 Thomas Andraschko <>:
> I don't think that anyone will port your complete code and give you a
> complete solution ;)
> The biggest problem is AFAIR that the renderer implementations are not in
> the API packages. So you have to rebuild all this functionality without
> dependencies to the Impl.
> e.g.
> Attribute,AttributeManager -> String[] with attribute namens
> Move all the utils functions to your own code (Util.componentIsDisabled,
> RenderKitUtils.getSelectItems. etc.)
> The most code doesn't really depent on the IMPL code.
> 2014-02-13 12:44 GMT+01:00 Rene Perschon <>:
>> Hi everyone!
>> I'm currently migrating an application from Glassfish 3.1.1 to TomEE. Now
>> the problem is that this application contains a custom component which was
>> unfortunately coded with hard dependencies on com.sun.faces classes (maven
>> dependency jsf-impl).
>> Now my question is how can i port this component in such a way that it is
>> independent from any concrete JSF implementation (or at least in such a way
>> that it works with MyFaces).
>> Here's the component:
>> import;
>> import java.util.Iterator;
>> import java.util.Map;
>> import javax.faces.component.UIComponent;
>> import javax.faces.component.UINamingContainer;
>> import javax.faces.component.ValueHolder;
>> import javax.faces.context.FacesContext;
>> import javax.faces.context.ResponseWriter;
>> import javax.faces.convert.Converter;
>> import javax.faces.model.SelectItem;
>> import javax.faces.model.SelectItemGroup;
>> import com.sun.faces.renderkit.Attribute;
>> import com.sun.faces.renderkit.AttributeManager;
>> import com.sun.faces.renderkit.RenderKitUtils;
>> import com.sun.faces.renderkit.html_basic.MenuRenderer;
>> import com.sun.faces.util.RequestStateManager;
>> import com.sun.faces.util.Util;
>> /**
>> * {@inheritDoc}.
>> */
>> public class CustomSelectManyCheckboxListRenderer extends MenuRenderer
>> {
>> /** {@inheritDoc}. */
>> private static final Attribute[] ATTRIBUTES =
>> AttributeManager.getAttributes(AttributeManager.Key.SELECTMANYCHECKBOX);
>> /** Representing the border string. */
>> private static final String BORDER = "border";
>> /** Representing the tr string. */
>> private static final String TR = "tr";
>> /** Representing the td string. */
>> private static final String TD = "td";
>> /** Representing the label string. */
>> private static final String LABEL = "label";
>> /** Representing the newline string. */
>> private static final String NEWLINE = "\n";
>> /** Representing the tab string. */
>> private static final String TAB = "\t";
>> /** Representing the class string. */
>> private static final String CLASS = "class";
>> /** Representing the style string. */
>> private static final String STYLE = "style";
>> /** Representing the valign string. */
>> private static final String VALIGN = "valign";
>> // ---------------------------------------------------------- Public
>> Methods
>> @Override
>> public void encodeEnd(FacesContext context, UIComponent component)
>> throws IOException
>> {
>> rendererParamsNotNull(context, component);
>> if (!shouldEncode(component))
>> {
>> return;
>> }
>> ResponseWriter writer = context.getResponseWriter();
>> assert (writer != null);
>> String alignStr;
>> Object borderObj;
>> boolean alignVertical = false;
>> int border = 0;
>> if (null != component.getAttributes().get("layout"))
>> {
>> alignStr = (String) component.getAttributes().get("layout");
>> alignVertical = alignStr.equalsIgnoreCase("pageDirection");
>> }
>> if (null != component.getAttributes().get(BORDER))
>> {
>> borderObj = component.getAttributes().get(BORDER);
>> border = (Integer) borderObj;
>> }
>> Converter converter = null;
>> if (component instanceof ValueHolder)
>> {
>> converter = ((ValueHolder)component).getConverter();
>> }
>> renderBeginText(component, border, alignVertical, context, true);
>> Iterator<SelectItem> items =
>> RenderKitUtils.getSelectItems(context, component);
>> Object currentSelections = getCurrentSelectedValues(component);
>> Object[] submittedValues = getSubmittedSelectedValues(component);
>> Map<String, Object> attributes = component.getAttributes();
>> OptionComponentInfo optionInfo =
>> new OptionComponentInfo((String)
>> attributes.get("disabledClass"),
>> (String)
>> attributes.get("enabledClass"),
>> (String)
>> attributes.get("unselectedClass"),
>> (String)
>> attributes.get("selectedClass"),
>> Util.componentIsDisabled(component),
>> isHideNoSelection(component));
>> int idx = -1;
>> while (items.hasNext())
>> {
>> SelectItem curItem =;
>> idx++;
>> // If we come across a group of options, render them as a
>> nested
>> // table.
>> if (curItem instanceof SelectItemGroup)
>> {
>> // write out the label for the group.
>> if (curItem.getLabel() != null)
>> {
>> if (alignVertical)
>> {
>> writer.startElement(TR, component);
>> }
>> writer.startElement(TD, component);
>> writer.writeText(curItem.getLabel(), component, LABEL);
>> writer.endElement(TD);
>> if (alignVertical)
>> {
>> writer.endElement(TR);
>> }
>> }
>> if (alignVertical)
>> {
>> writer.startElement(TR, component);
>> }
>> writer.startElement(TD, component);
>> writer.writeText(NEWLINE, component, null);
>> renderBeginText(component, 0, alignVertical,
>> context, false);
>> // render options of this group.
>> SelectItem[] itemsArray =
>> ((SelectItemGroup) curItem).getSelectItems();
>> for (int i = 0; i < itemsArray.length; ++i)
>> {
>> renderOption(context,
>> component,
>> converter,
>> itemsArray[i],
>> currentSelections,
>> submittedValues,
>> alignVertical,
>> i,
>> optionInfo);
>> }
>> renderEndText(component, alignVertical, context);
>> writer.endElement(TD);
>> if (alignVertical)
>> {
>> writer.endElement(TR);
>> writer.writeText(NEWLINE, component, null);
>> }
>> }
>> else
>> {
>> renderOption(context,
>> component,
>> converter,
>> curItem,
>> currentSelections,
>> submittedValues,
>> alignVertical,
>> idx,
>> optionInfo);
>> }
>> }
>> renderEndText(component, alignVertical, context);
>> }
>> // ------------------------------------------------------- Protected
>> Methods
>> /**
>> * {@inheritDoc}
>> */
>> @Override
>> protected boolean isBehaviorSource(FacesContext ctx,
>> String behaviorSourceId,
>> String componentClientId)
>> {
>> if (behaviorSourceId == null)
>> {
>> return false;
>> }
>> char sepChar = UINamingContainer.getSeparatorChar(ctx);
>> String actualBehaviorId =
>> behaviorSourceId.substring(0,
>> behaviorSourceId.lastIndexOf(sepChar));
>> return (actualBehaviorId.equals(componentClientId));
>> }
>> /**
>> * {@inheritDoc}
>> */
>> protected void renderBeginText(UIComponent component, int border,
>> boolean alignVertical, FacesContext
>> context,
>> boolean outerTable) throws IOException
>> {
>> ResponseWriter writer = context.getResponseWriter();
>> assert (writer != null);
>> writer.startElement("table", component);
>> if (border != Integer.MIN_VALUE)
>> {
>> writer.writeAttribute(BORDER, border, BORDER);
>> }
>> // render style and styleclass attribute on the outer table
>> instead of
>> // rendering it as pass through attribute on every option in the
>> list.
>> if (outerTable)
>> {
>> // render "id" only for outerTable.
>> if (shouldWriteIdAttribute(component))
>> {
>> writeIdAttributeIfNecessary(context, writer, component);
>> }
>> String styleClass = (String) component.getAttributes().get(
>> "styleClass");
>> String style = (String) component.getAttributes().get(STYLE);
>> if (styleClass != null)
>> {
>> writer.writeAttribute(CLASS, styleClass, CLASS);
>> }
>> if (style != null)
>> {
>> writer.writeAttribute(STYLE, style, STYLE);
>> }
>> }
>> writer.writeText(NEWLINE, component, null);
>> if (!alignVertical)
>> {
>> writer.writeText(TAB, component, null);
>> writer.startElement(TR, component);
>> writer.writeText(NEWLINE, component, null);
>> }
>> }
>> /**
>> * {@inheritDoc}
>> */
>> protected void renderEndText(UIComponent component,
>> boolean alignVertical,
>> FacesContext context) throws IOException
>> {
>> ResponseWriter writer = context.getResponseWriter();
>> assert (writer != null);
>> if (!alignVertical)
>> {
>> writer.writeText(TAB, component, null);
>> writer.endElement(TR);
>> writer.writeText(NEWLINE, component, null);
>> }
>> writer.endElement("table");
>> }
>> /**
>> * {@inheritDoc}
>> */
>> protected void renderOption(FacesContext context,
>> UIComponent component,
>> Converter converter,
>> SelectItem curItem,
>> Object currentSelections,
>> Object[] submittedValues,
>> boolean alignVertical,
>> int itemNumber,
>> OptionComponentInfo optionInfo) throws
>> IOException
>> {
>> String valueString = getFormattedValue(context, component,
>> curItem.getValue(),
>> converter);
>> Object valuesArray;
>> Object itemValue;
>> if (submittedValues != null)
>> {
>> valuesArray = submittedValues;
>> itemValue = valueString;
>> }
>> else
>> {
>> valuesArray = currentSelections;
>> itemValue = curItem.getValue();
>> }
>> RequestStateManager.set(context,
>> component);
>> boolean isSelected = isSelected(context, component, itemValue,
>> valuesArray, converter);
>> if (optionInfo.isHideNoSelection() &&
>> curItem.isNoSelectionOption() &&
>> currentSelections != null &&
>> !isSelected)
>> {
>> return;
>> }
>> ResponseWriter writer = context.getResponseWriter();
>> assert (writer != null);
>> if (alignVertical)
>> {
>> writer.writeText(TAB, component, null);
>> writer.startElement(TR, component);
>> writer.writeText(NEWLINE, component, null);
>> }
>> writer.startElement(TD, component);
>> writer.writeAttribute(VALIGN, "top", VALIGN);
>> writer.writeText(NEWLINE, component, null);
>> writer.startElement("input", component);
>> writer.writeAttribute("name", component.getClientId(context),
>> "clientId");
>> String idString = component.getClientId(context) +
>> UINamingContainer.getSeparatorChar(context) +
>> Integer.toString(itemNumber);
>> writer.writeAttribute("id", idString, "id");
>> writer.writeAttribute("value", valueString, "value");
>> writer.writeAttribute("type", "checkbox", null);
>> if (isSelected)
>> {
>> writer.writeAttribute(getSelectedTextString(), Boolean.TRUE,
>> null);
>> }
>> // Don't render the disabled attribute twice if the 'parent'
>> // component is already marked disabled.
>> if (!optionInfo.isDisabled())
>> {
>> if (curItem.isDisabled())
>> {
>> writer.writeAttribute("disabled", true, "disabled");
>> }
>> }
>> // Apply HTML 4.x attributes specified on UISelectMany component
>> to all
>> // items in the list except styleClass and style which are
>> rendered as
>> // attributes of outer most table.
>> RenderKitUtils.renderPassThruAttributes(context,
>> writer,
>> component,
>> getNonOnClickSelectBehaviors(component));
>> RenderKitUtils.renderXHTMLStyleBooleanAttributes(writer,
>> component);
>> RenderKitUtils.renderSelectOnclick(context, component, true);
>> writer.endElement("input");
>> //--------------------------------------------------------
>> // New stuff for event selecting
>> //--------------------------------------------------------
>> writer.endElement(TD);
>> // starting the label td
>> writer.startElement(TD, component);
>> writer.writeAttribute(VALIGN, "top", VALIGN);
>> writer.writeAttribute("width", "80px", "width");
>> writer.writeAttribute(STYLE, "padding-top:4px", STYLE);
>> String itemLabel = curItem.getLabel();
>> if (itemLabel == null)
>> {
>> itemLabel = valueString;
>> }
>> writer.writeText(" ", component, null);
>> writer.startElement(LABEL, component);
>> writer.writeAttribute("for", component.getClientId() + ":" +
>> itemNumber, "for");
>> if (!curItem.isEscape())
>> {
>> // It seems the ResponseWriter API should
>> // have a writeText() with a boolean property
>> // to determine if it content written should
>> // be escaped or not.
>> writer.write(itemLabel);
>> }
>> else
>> {
>> writer.writeText(itemLabel, component, null);
>> }
>> writer.endElement(LABEL);
>> isSelected(context, component, itemValue, valuesArray, converter);
>> // if (isSelected(context, component, itemValue, valuesArray,
>> converter))
>> // {
>> // // selected
>> // }
>> // else
>> // {
>> // // not selected
>> // }
>> writer.endElement(TD);
>> // starting the description td
>> writer.startElement(TD, component);
>> writer.writeAttribute(VALIGN, "top", VALIGN);
>> writer.writeAttribute(STYLE, "padding-top:4px", STYLE);
>> String itemLabelDesc = curItem.getDescription();
>> if (itemLabelDesc == null)
>> {
>> itemLabelDesc = "";
>> }
>> writer.writeText(" ", component, null);
>> if (!curItem.isEscape())
>> {
>> // It seems the ResponseWriter API should
>> // have a writeText() with a boolean property
>> // to determine if it content written should
>> // be escaped or not.
>> writer.write(itemLabelDesc);
>> }
>> else
>> {
>> writer.writeText(itemLabelDesc, component, null);
>> }
>> writer.endElement(TD);
>> //--------------------------------------------------------
>> // New stuff for event selecting end
>> //--------------------------------------------------------
>> writer.writeText(NEWLINE, component, null);
>> if (alignVertical)
>> {
>> writer.writeText(TAB, component, null);
>> writer.endElement(TR);
>> writer.writeText(NEWLINE, component, null);
>> }
>> }
>> // ------------------------------------------------- Package Private
>> Methods
>> /**
>> * {@inheritDoc}
>> */
>> String getSelectedTextString()
>> {
>> return "checked";
>> }
>> }
>> Any help is appreciated!
>> Thanks!
>> René

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