Hello my name is Felipe and i have a CDI doubts.

I have installed the tomee and i setup all the classes and it works fine,
but my server has very little ram memory, and this reason led me to try to
install only the apache
codi<http://myfaces.apache.org/extensions/cdi/index.html>core into
tomcat 7 <http://tomcat.apache.org/download-70.cgi> .

The project *compiles successfully*, but *the red line below* remains null!

Question:  Is it necessary to add some additional dependency in order to
the dependency injection works ?

*So, I followed the following steps:*


*Using maven to include only the cdi core *

<!-- **************************************************** CODI CDI
dependencies -->





















 *2 Setup my producer.*

public class FacadeFactory {


 public GrowUpFacadeAdapter getFacade() {

return new GrowUpFacade();

public class GrowUpFacade implements GrowUpFacadeAdapter {

public interface GrowUpFacadeAdapter extends Serializable {

*3 My JSF bean*

public class PedidoMBean extends AutenticadorMBean  { @javax.inject.Inject
private GrowUpFacadeAdapter facade;         <------  remains null !!!!

public class AutenticadorMBean implements Serializable {

*4 beans.xml*

*<beans xmlns="http://java.sun.com/xml/ns/javaee
<http://java.sun.com/xml/ns/javaee/beans_1_0.xsd>"> </beans>*

Felipe Pina

Felipe Pina

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