On 19/06/2014 17:22, Leonardo Uribe wrote:

I have checked the problem in deep and I was not able to reproduce the
problem. The reason is view pooling algorithm saves UIViewRoot state
fully (markInitialState is set to false, and the state is used later
to clone the views), and that also includes the "binding" table for
tags, so this table should be always saved and restored correctly.
Really it is not a problem if you set EL cache mode to strict, because
if you are using view pool in that view, enable or disable EL cache
will have minimal effect.

It should be some additional not seen element that is making it fail,
or in other words, it should be a "combination" between different
things, but it is impossible to understand it without an example.
Thank your for investigating the problem.

I agree with you : it is a combination of several things. Unhappily, I could not prepare a short example reproducing the problem without publishing significant portions of a codebase I am not allowed to publish (yet).

 Thanks again,


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