Maybe you could try to add property
"org.apache.el.parser.COERCE_TO_ZERO=false" to your JVM

2014-07-16 13:00 GMT-04:00 <>:

> Dear all,
> I just finished to struggle with the display of nullable Long or Integer
> values. I am using Primefaces 5.0.1 / MyFaces 2.2.4 / OpenWebBeans 1.2.2 /
> Tomcat 7.0.39.
> Those values are the result of the evaluation of EL expressions that I
> create with the following function :
>     public static ValueExpression createValueExpression(String expression,
> Class clazz) {
>             FacesContext fc = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance();
>             ELContext elContext = fc.getELContext();
>             FacesELContext felContext = (FacesELContext)fc.getELContext();
>             SenatFunctionMapper sfm = SenatFunctionMapper.getInstance();
>             felContext.setFunctionMapper(sfm);
>             ExpressionFactory expFactory = fc.getApplication().
> getExpressionFactory();
>             ValueExpression ret = null;
>             if(clazz==null) {
>                 clazz = Object.class;
>             }
>             try {
>                 ret = expFactory.createValueExpression(elContext,
> expression, clazz);
>             } catch (ELException ex) {
>                 log.fatal("Erreur de compilation de l'expression EL : '" +
> expression + "'", ex);
>             }
>             return ret;
>         }
> Until now, I created those value expressions with the real expected class
> as the third parameter of ExpressionFactory#createValueExpression. The
> name of this parameter is "expectedType", so it seems logical to me to
> provide the best information I had. So, I provided java.lang.Integer.class
> or java.lang.Long.class, etc.
> But when I do that, null values are displayed as 0, either with
> h:inputText (standard MyFaces control) or p:inputText (PrimeFaces version).
> The reason being that
> org.apache.el.ValueExpressionImpl#getValue
> is implemented the following way
>     @Override
>     public Object getValue(ELContext context) throws
> PropertyNotFoundException,
>             ELException {
>         EvaluationContext ctx = new EvaluationContext(context,
> this.fnMapper,
>                 this.varMapper);
>         Object value = this.getNode().getValue(ctx);
>         if (this.expectedType != null) {
>             return ELSupport.coerceToType(value, this.expectedType);
>         }
>         return value;
>     }
> and that ELSupport.coerceToType of a Long or Integer null value is defined
> as... 0
> As those type are numeric, coerceToType calls coerceToNumber, which starts
> with :
>     public static final Number coerceToNumber(final Object obj,
>             final Class<?> type) throws ELException {
>         if (obj == null || "".equals(obj)) {
>             return coerceToNumber(ZERO, type);
>         }
> ...
>     }
> thus, the ZERO value.
> For the time being, I solved my «problem» by passing a null third
> parameter to ExpressionFactory#createValueExpression. It works. It has no
> apparent drawbacks. But I don't get the logic of it. Should'nt
> ELSupport#coerceToNumber handles this differently ?
> Thanks in advance for your explanations,
> Ludovic
> |
> |

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