On 19/11/2015 11:01, l.pe...@senat.fr wrote:
On 18/11/2015 17:53, l.pe...@senat.fr wrote:
On 17/11/2015 13:11, l.pe...@senat.fr wrote:
On 17/11/2015 01:21, Howard W. Smith, Jr. wrote:
On Mon, Nov 16, 2015 at 2:59 PM, l.pe...@senat.fr <l.pe...@senat.fr> wrote:

java.lang.IllegalStateException: Must be called before the start element
is closed (attribute 'id')

Searched google and found the following:


Maybe, you can start there. Seems as though you id="..." on one of your
components may need to be fixed.
Thanks for the suggestion, but it is alas not that simple.

I think I found what causes the bug...

I mentioned that I use :

    PrimeFaces 5.3.1
    MyFaces 2.2.8
    OpenWebBeans 1.6.2

I forgot to mention that I also use :

    omnifaces 1.10

I also noticed that the bug happens when :
* an ajax request is triggered
* the session is expired (for some reason I have yet to found, but it is another problem)

The access to the ajax requested page is controlled by the container with a <security-constraint> declaration in the webapp web.xml file.

In that case

OmniPartialViewContext.java#startDocument performs a redirect

and so, an opened document with an active element is *not* the current sate.

When returning from this function, up to

there is just after, line 473 :

writer.writeAttribute("id", viewRoot.getContainerClientId(_facesContext),"id");

IMHO, MyFaces is right to expect to have an opened document at this point... So I will see with BalusC if we can imagine a patch to omnifaces.
The newer 1.1x version, the 1.11, is not different on this point.
For the record and people who might follow this thread...
I posted a question on this topic on stackoverflow : http://stackoverflow.com/questions/33786117/bug-with-omnifaces-1-10-when-omnipartialviewcontextstartdocument-performs-trans
This is fixed in omnifaces 2.2-SNAPSHOT and will be available in omnifaces 1.12.




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