
I'd second that this is a bug. I don't know about the spec, but it certainly 
makes sense to support nested contexts and thus a push / pop like create / 
release. We stumbled upon this issue quite some time ago, when dispatching to 
an error page from and exception handler. And we solved it with an own 
FacesContext implementation that resets the previous context if the current 
context during release is our own.

Dan Østerberg

-----Opprinnelig melding-----
Fra: Leonardo Uribe [mailto:lu4...@gmail.com] 
Sendt: 26. mars 2016 03:07
Til: MyFaces Discussion <users@myfaces.apache.org>
Emne: Re: bug in FacesServlet?


It could be possible, I do not have all the details, but I have the impression 
that happens on jsp, or at least I have seen that before.
MyFaces does what the spec says, but this part could not be well defined.

It is clear the release should happen after the end of the lifecycle, but since 
the rendering step is delegated to jsp in this case, after that point there is 
no control, so the code just release in that point. The problem here is we 
don't know what happens for different jsp containers. In my understanding not 
every jsp implementation works the same, but as I said, I have not entered into 


Leonardo Uribe

2016-03-25 13:15 GMT-05:00 Romain Manni-Bucau <rmannibu...@gmail.com>:

> Hi guys,
> org.apache.myfaces.context.servlet.FacesContextImpl#release does the 
> release but javax.faces.webapp.FacesServlet#service doesn't handle 
> context push/pop so if a JSF request does a JSF include (and retrigger 
> the servlet) it will likely reset too early the context.
> Here a diagram hoping it helps:
> -> request
>         -> FacesServlet
>                   -> setFacesContext
>                          -> FacesServlet
>                              -> anything relaunching a JSF "request"
> org.apache.myfaces.view.jsp.JspViewDeclarationLanguage#buildView does 
> a forward for instance)
>                                  -> setFacesContext
>                                       -> setFacesContext
>                                       -> releaseFacesContext
>                   -> end of lifecycle // oops faces context is null
>                   -> releaseFacesContext
> Romain Manni-Bucau
> @rmannibucau |  Blog | Github | LinkedIn | Tomitriber

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