
I put the small app on the GitHub at that link : 



De : Geertjan Wielenga [mailto:geertjan.wiele...@googlemail.com]
Envoyé : lundi 8 janvier 2018 19:14
À : us...@netbeans.incubator.apache.org
Objet : Re: Conditionnal opening of a TopComponent

One thing I would do differently is use the layer.xml file rather than doing it 
like this:


I.e., if you use FileUtile.getConfigFile, you'll be able to get a folder in the 
virtual file system:


And then you can enable/disable something there.

But, better than discussing this via e-mail back and forth would be for you to 
put a small app together with the code from your e-mail in a repo on GitHub so 
that others can take a look at it and suggest alternative approaches.

You should also think about whether it is good practice in terms of usability 
to have a window that appears and disappears automatically -- normally that's 
not something that you'd want to do programmatically.


On Mon, Jan 8, 2018 at 7:13 PM, Geertjan Wielenga 
One thing I would do differently is use the layer.xml file rather than doing it 
like this:


I.e., if you use FileUtile.getConfigFile, you'll be able to get a folder in the 
virtual file system:


And then you can enable/disable something there.

But, better than discussing this via e-mail back and forth would be for you to 
put a small app together with the code from your e-mail in a repo on GitHub so 
that others can take a look at it and suggest alternative approaches.

You should also think about whether it is good practice in terms of usability 
to have a window that appears and disappears automatically -- normally that's 
not something that you'd want to do programmatically.


On Mon, Jan 8, 2018 at 5:30 PM, GRYSPEERDT Bastien [CLEMESSY] 
<bastien.gryspee...@eiffage.com<mailto:bastien.gryspee...@eiffage.com>> wrote:


I'm new on netbeans RCP. I created my custom TopComponents with some 
annotations as follow :


                        dtd = "-//project.editor.hmi//EditorShape//EN",

                        autostore = false



                        preferredID = "EditorShapeTopComponent",

                        iconBase = "project/editor/shape_24.png",

                        persistenceType = TopComponent.PERSISTENCE_ALWAYS


//@TopComponent.Registration(mode<mailto://@TopComponent.Registration(mode> = 
"leftSlidingSide", openAtStartup = true)

@ActionID(category = "Window", id = 

//@ActionReference(path = "Menu/Window" /*, position = 333 */)


                        displayName = "#CTL_EditorShapeAction",

                        preferredID = "EditorShapeTopComponent"





            "HINT_EditorShapeTopComponent=Formes simples importables"


public final class EditorShapeTopComponent extends TopComponent {



I have a configuration file (properties file) in which a parameter tells if the 
TopComponent must be activated or not.

To manage the visibility of the TopComponent, I do that :

public GlobalActionContextProxy() {


Runnable() {


                                   public void run() {

                                               // Hack to force the current 
Project selection when the application starts up

                                               TopComponent tc = 

                                               if (tc != null) {



Runnable() {


                                                   public void run() {

                                                       // Reads the 
configuration file.

configuration = CentralLookup.getDefault().lookup(Configuration.class);

                                                      // Here we check that the 
parameter is the configuration file is to true.
(configuration.getBoolean("withImages", false) == true) {
// Adds to Menu.
FileObject menuFolder = FileUtil.getConfigFile("Menu/Window");
try {
Bundle.LBL_SycloneEditorImagePaletteTopComponent(), new  
 menuFolder, 333);
catch (IOException ex) {

// Adds to left dock.
if (!isTopComponentInUserDirCache(SycloneEditorImagePaletteTopComponent.class)) 
              SycloneEditorImagePaletteTopComponent tcPalette = new 
              Mode leftSideMode = 
                                                                      } else {
// Removes the file from the cache : avoid it to be reopened by the persistence 






The method isTopComponentInUserDirCache is as follow :
                * Checks if a component appears in the userdir cache of 
                * @param <T> : child class of TopComponent.
                * @param classType : class type.
                * @return true if the component is in the cache, false 
                private <T extends TopComponent> boolean 
isTopComponentInUserDirCache(final Class<T> classType) {
                               boolean isInCache = false;

                               // Gets the directory which contains cache on 
                               Path compDirPath = 

                               // It the directory exists, checks if the 
component has already been opened.
                               File compDirFile = compDirPath.toFile();
                               if (compDirFile.exists()) {
                                               // Gets the files referencing 
the component.
                                               File[] compFiles = 
compDirFile.listFiles(new FilenameFilter() {
                                                               public boolean 
accept(File dir, String name) {
StringBuilder filenameMatcher = new StringBuilder("^");
return name != null && name.matches(filenameMatcher.toString());

                                               // If there is at least 1 file, 
the component has already been opened.
                                               if (compFiles != null && 
compFiles.length > 0) {
                                                               isInCache = true;
                               return isInCache;

With this solution, it seems to work but it is not very clean. And when I 
change the language, the menu item (linked to the TopComponent), which is read 
from the cache, is not translated.

How could I do it in a cleanest way ?

The only reason I don’t use annotations on the TopComponent is because I need 
to tell “open the TopComponent only if it is defined in the configuration file” 
: is there a way to do it properly ?


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