Hail *fellow users*,

I've been running the Netbeans RC1 for a few weeks now and I find many new
files are NOT being added to the SVN  project (s).  The only reason I found
this was that I often I bring my work home on a ThumbDrive.  I port a fresh svn
update  of the the latest commit(s).  I have frequently unzipped the
project folder to find MISSING files.

When I get back to the office, and compare the zipped folder with the
current (*live*) project -- Yes the _missing_ file(s) are not committed.

Subsequently I need to use an external tool like TortiseSvn (windows)  or
RabbitSvn (linux) to add the *missing* file to the project.  Things like
history are working OK.

I  find that  behaviour Strange because Netbeans has Asked and has
been-given the SVN sign-on for the project.

I don't recall this happening with (Oracle) Netbeans 8.2.  The (Apavhe)
Netbeans 9rc1 --userdir is a copy/clone from the Netbeans v8 --userdir x

Definitely not what I need on production projects...  But(?) is it a bug?

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