I'm on a Mac running NB 8.2 and was wondering what folks do to get Netbeans
to provide decent print output?  Here's my issue/situation: I use Netbeans
with a dark theme (Darcula).  When I want to print something, "Print
Options" lets me choose to "Print as in Editor" - which I can't choose
because I'll quickly run out of ink on the printer - or manually specify
various font/foreground attributes - which I also can't use because in that
mode, printouts seem to ignore tabs - i.e. all my code is left-justified :-(

The only thing I could think of to do is to switch back to a dark-on-white
theme whenever I need to print and select "Print as in Editor" - but that's
pretty hokey (plus I get some pretty strange results on a B/W printer when
the syntax highlighting color doesn't have enough contrast).

Any alternative suggestions?  I don't print very often anymore, but it sure
would be nice to have decently formatted java code to look at.



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