It sounds like your file has an OpenIDE-Module-Localizing-Bundle
entry, while the value referred to points to a non-existing file.


On Sun, Aug 12, 2018 at 3:59 AM, C P <> wrote:

> I am developing a NetBeans module and it works just ok, however, if I use
> the "Clean" and then the "Build" options, it doesn't compile anymore.
> After running the "Clean" option, the console basically says something like
> "Deleting: C:\Users\Name\Documents\my-app\MyApp\build\testuserdir"
> After I select the option "Build", the compiler gives an error and the
> output says something like:
> "Expecting localizing in: path/to/jar/myapp.jar"
> So basically in order for me to run my app, I cannot clean and build my
> code, otherwise testuserdir will be deleted and I can no longer compile my
> code.
> Do I have any configuration wrong or something?

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