
I'm trying to bundle a JRE 10.0.2 to a netbeans platform application. I'm using the following article https://dzone.com/articles/including-jre-in-nbi and change the part of creating the zip file of the jre by something like the following lines

jlink --strip-debug --no-header-files --no-man-pages --output jre_lin_x64 --module-path ${JRE_PATH}/jmods --add-modules java.scripting,java.desktop,java.instrument,java.logging,java.naming,jdk.localedata,jdk.management,jdk.pack,jdk.jdwp.agent --include-locales=en,de
zip -9 -r -y ../jre_win_x64.zip .

(The commands vary from linux to windows.)

But when running the installer I'm getting an error that there is no jre. And in the logs show:

[2018-08-17 17:21:25.887]> Create new process:
[2018-08-17 17:21:25.887]>           command : C:\Users\${USER}\AppData\Local\Temp\\NBI60854.tmp\_jvm\bin\java.exe -classpath C:\Users\ADMINI~1.ILR\AppData\Local\Temp\\NBI60854.tmp TestJDK
[2018-08-17 17:21:25.887]>         directory : C:\Temp
[2018-08-17 17:21:26.180]> ... no java at C:\Users\${USER}\AppData\Local\Temp\\NBI60854.tmp\_jvm [2018-08-17 17:21:26.180]> ... check private jre at C:\Users\${USER}\AppData\Local\Temp\\NBI60854.tmp\_jvm\jre
[2018-08-17 17:30:37.086]> No compatible jvm was found on the system

But when looking into the path, there is a JRE and a java.exe and the command is running correctly.

Did someone have this working already?

Is there a problem with the version number of Java 10? I'm not used to C, but when looking into the getJavaVersionFromString from https://github.com/apache/incubator-netbeans/blob/master/nbi/engine/native/launcher/windows/src/JavaUtils.c it can be a problem. This is the installer source code, right?

Andreas Hauffe

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