As an alternative you might consider PDFBox.  I used iReport for a period
before it went private since at that time Java Print was unusable for
business reporting.  At that point I looked for alternatives and landed
with PDFBox.  Maybe it will work and maybe not.  It is, however, an Apache
project and further, I would like to see the day it is closely integrated
with NB -- along with ODFToolkit and James.  Then we would be getting very
close to having the kind of desktop development environment MS offers.

Be aware that there has been talk on the dev list for ODFToolkit about
retiring it due to lack of interest.  But when that discussion came about
there was response that it would be premature because one of the developers
has been doing work which may be on the cusp of generating significant
corporate/government interest and would inject a boatload of new interest
in the project.  If that happens it would make exporting data from Java/NB
to spreadsheets/documents/graphs very easy -- like all the windows based
desktop apps currently export to excel & word.

Just some food for thought.  I use both projects.

On Sat, Sep 22, 2018 at 1:36 AM Sabintxo <> wrote:

> Hi Geertjan,
> My target is to install ireport designer from jasper reports. But i have
> this error installing plugin:
> Thank you

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