From: Thanasis Kakalis <>
Date: Τρί, 23 Οκτ 2018 στις 9:15 μ.μ.
Subject: NetBeans 8.2 @ macOS Mojave 10.14 - question mark in C/C++ project
- Some #include or #error directives failed - Configure Code Assistance not
To: <>

Greetings dear all,

My name is Athanasios Kakalis and I'm using NetBeans 8.2 with HPC macOS X ( on a mac book pro for writing C and Fortran

Prior to updating from macOS High Sierra 10.13 to Mojave 10.14, both C and
Fortran projects were functioning properly.

Upon OS update and mac restart, when IDE was opened, the C project box got
a question mark, along with the following message

"Some #include or #error directives failed"

The question mark disappears when Code Assistance (right click/Code
Assistance/C/C++ Code Assistance) is deactivated, whereas Configure Code
Assistance (right click/Code Assistance/) remains deactivated.

What can I do to repair the C project, and in turn, the IDE? I've checked
the following link, but I didn't figure out what to do

That said, the Fortran project is still working properly, and I'm not sure
about the impact of macOS update on the aforementioned mishap.

I really like NetBeans and I want to keep using it, therefore I'm reporting
my problem as clearly as I can.

Many thanks in advance to any feedback towards my inquiries.

Best Regards,

Athanasios Kakalis

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