I develop remote C++ project from Windows to Raspberry host.
In Makefile I write h-files include directory as 
D/Software/armadillo-9.100.6/include as it is located on local Windows machine 
from which I develop project. But on remote host this directory is located in 
NetBean project's directory with long prefix:


When I build my project I see the following command line:

g++ -Isrc -Isrc/pca9685 -ID/Software/armadillo-9.100.6/include -MMD -MP  -c 
src/HomoMatrix.cpp -o build/HomoMatrix.cpp.o

It, of cause, fails because there is no such directory 
So, the question is how to make a tip to NetBeans to add its remote project's 
location to directories used in Makefile?


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