There is Groovy editor support.

We disabled the Grails support because it was out dated.

You can stop being baffled right now today and contribute to the Grails
support. All the source code is available on GitHub. Do you want to
contribute a ‘Hello World’ Grails application that uses the latest Grails
release? That would help, your pull request is welcome.


On Friday, December 28, 2018, Jasen Jacobsen <> wrote:

> Over on the dev list is this thread about Groovy & Grails support:
> 97f5c2b7626f3a395e4d22fbd82cf1141cd08593-291cae8a36b916c65ef67f9232e61a
> but it seems like it's really a NetBeans user issue. In short, the Grails
> project type has been removed.
> On the download page (
> download/nb100/index.html) is this:
> "This release is focused in adding support for JDK 11, JUnit 5, PHP,
> JavaScript and Groovy, as well in solving many issues."
> How is removing Groovy support that was there "adding support"? What is
> the nature of the Groovy support that has been added?
> I installed 10.0 and attempted to activate the Groovy plugin. It winds up
> in a state where it does not show as active, nor can it be uninstalled.
> Baffled.

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