Apologies for the response method, I have everyone this time.

OK. So you recommend using the default settings and I can certainly understand that. But doesn't that put me back in the position of having to specify the TARGET folder in the site URL? Which is a similar situation to my original question. Or am I trying to solve a Tomcat / IIS issue where the server resolves to the "Web" or "Build" or "Target" folder as the application root (http://www.web.svr/myapp/) as opposed to having to specify the target folder (http://www.web.svr/myapp/target/).

Some background... we currently use IIS exclusively. The sites are in legacy ASP. We are converting to Java and JSP. We have set up our dev server to use the same URL's for eventual ease of conversion in the user community. The Dev server has been configured to use the ISAPI redirect to send traffic for that site to Tomcat.

Originally, we used Java Web / Web Application specification to create the App and configured a virtual directory in IIS pointing to the "MYAPP/Web" folder in order for the site to resolve properly since that was where Netbeans placed it using the default configuration. Using this, when we tried accessing the home page (Index.html) of the site it did not resolve. To get the page to display with this option we had to include the 'Web' folder in the URL for Tomcat to find the Index.html page. (We also tried remapping from "Web" to the "Build" folder and got the same results)

At what point is the working page supposed to roll up to the actual root of the web site application so no sub folder needs to be specified in the URL? Isn't the build / deploy supposed to place the site pages that run in the site root folder where the pages can be found without that sub folder specification? I guess again... maybe this is a Tomcat / IISĀ  cooperation thing and not Netbeans, but I figure folks here know a whole lot more than I do and may be able to point me in the right direction.


On 2/19/2019 1:28 PM, Geertjan Wielenga wrote:

I'd recommend to use the default settings provided by Maven, i.e., keep using the target folder.

Also, keep the mailing list in your response mails otherwise I'll be the only one seeing them.


On Tue, Feb 19, 2019 at 7:24 PM Bob Senkewicz <s...@optonline.net <mailto:s...@optonline.net>> wrote:

    OK. First, thanks for the guidance. I am groping around reading a
    whole lot of material here. I see the option to create a Maven /
    Web Application and stepped through to create my new "myapp2". I
    am also reading the link you passed along and see the reference to
    "target" as the final location for what is built. I found how to
    tell the Maven build to use the 'application root as the target.
    Again, thanks.

    Should the build also move all the JSP, HTML, etc files to that
    root folder (or sub folder structure) when executing the build?
    When I run a build/test of the default app I am not seeing the
    base INDEX.HTML file moved to the root folder.

    Thanks again!


    On 2/19/2019 11:38 AM, Geertjan Wielenga wrote:
    Recommend you start with Maven | Web Application, i.e., that you
    have a Maven based application instead of Ant based as you have
    now. In the upcoming release, it will be clearer that that is the
    preferred starting point.

    When you build, you'll then have a 'target' folder as in any
    Maven project:



    On Tue, Feb 19, 2019 at 5:24 PM Bob Senkewicz <s...@optonline.net
    <mailto:s...@optonline.net>> wrote:

        My New Project selection options were...

        Panel 1

        Category : Java Web

        Project : Web Application

        Panel 2

        Project name : "myapp"

        Project Location : \\serverwebroot

        Project Folder : \\serverwebroot\myapp

        Panel 3

        Server : Apache Tomcat

        Java EE Version : Java EE 7 Web

        Context Path : /myapp

        If you need any more please let me know and MANY MANY THANKS!


        On 2/19/2019 11:07 AM, Geertjan Wielenga wrote:
        Which type of project are we talking about? I.e., which
        project did you use in the New Project dialog at the start?


        On Tue, Feb 19, 2019 at 4:53 PM Bob Senkewicz
        <s...@optonline.net <mailto:s...@optonline.net>> wrote:

            Trying to set up and deploy first sites.

            NetBeans 8.2, JDK 8.0.181, Tomcat 8.0, IIS 8

            I know this is basic stuff but here goes...

            Defined Application on web server as "myapp" (names
            changed to protect
            the innocent). Netbeans creates a folder "Web" and
            places all source in
            this folder. Pages are coded and I run a test. Netbeans
            then builds a
            folder "Build" and places the built source there. I was
            expecting it to
            place the code to run in the root of "myapp" so the
            server can resolve
            it without further specifying the "Build" folder in my URL.

            What have I missed in the application configuration to
            have the built /
            verified application in the root folder? Or am I
            supposed to move it
            manually? Or is there come other logistic to the
            configuration I have

            Thanks for any guidance.

            Bob Senkewicz

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