On 4/3/2019 7:05 AM, Lister Jonathan wrote:
> Hi,
> I am running NB 10 on Windows 10 with a 4k monitor (3840 x 2160).
> I configure a larger font via netbeans.conf:
> netbeans_default_options=" ...
> --fontsize 16"
> Whenever I copy / paste text from the output log I get extra characters from 
> before the start of the selected text and am missing characters from the end 
> of the selected text. For example (see the screen shot in the file 
> "Output.png") I would expect the pasted text in this case to be "Final 
> method" but it is actually ": Final met".
> This problem does not occur with NB 8 on the same system setup.


I'm running NetBeans 10 with JDK 11.0.2 on Windows 10 professional with
a 27" monitor. My resolution is 2560 x 1440 and I'm running at 125% for
text size in the display settings.

I have the following font size set in netbeans.conf as the last entry in
the netbeans_default_options:

--fontsize 12

I'm using monospace 12 pt font in the console settings.

I am using the Windows look and feel, and I have not modified the
execution to use the application's DPI settings.

So my environment is a little less high definition than yours. I don't
have any trouble copying from the output window to a text editor (tried
notepad, jEdit, and notepad++).

I've mostly seen weird offsets like that when I needed to adjust the DPI
under the Compatibility settings (right mouse -> Properties ->
Compatibility tab). This went away for NetBeans 10 once I started using
JDK 11.

Hope there's some useful information in all of that.

. . . just my two cents

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