I too like C++, and am waiting on the C/C++ support from the Oracle donations 
to appear before digging in. My guess is this is something missing 
(bug/limitation), but as I’m not using NetBeans 8.2 nor working on those 
sources I can’t be sure. Once that donation is done, supporting “Modern C++” is 
one of my goals for NetBeans. I’ll see if I can see anything in any sources I 
have later today that might help.


> On Apr 15, 2019, at 4:34 PM, Pablo Chin <pablit...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello,
> I have a C/C++ "Project with Existing Sources"  in Netbeans 8.2.   For Code 
> Assitance, I'm using CLang.  I configured Code Assistance to Search file 
> system for C/C++ header files.
> After parsing the project, I'm only able to find functions for which a 
> declaration exists in a .h file.  Any other static functions in the 
> corresponding .c file result in "Usages for <function_name> cannot be 
> collected".
> For example, if the .c file has a static function like this:
> static bool foo(void) 
> {
> ...
> }
> Then, "Find Usages" of 'foo' result in "The original element being refactored 
> is not available.  Usages for foo cannot be collected."
> Is there a setting in Nebeans that I'm missing that will allow Code 
> Assistance to "find" static functions like the one mentioned?
> Thank you.

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