On 4/16/2019 10:23 AM, Greenberg, Gary wrote:
> I sure do have one. Here it is.
> Gary Greenberg
> Staff Software Engineer
> Data Product Development, BI-A
> E: ggree...@visa.com
> M: 650-269-7902
> [EmailSig-TaglineVersion]
> From: Wade Chandler <wadechand...@apache.org>
> Sent: Monday, April 15, 2019 6:23 PM
> To: Greenberg, Gary <ggree...@visa.com>
> Cc: users@netbeans.apache.org
> Subject: Re: Json validation
> Pretty sure .json files themselves are validated like other file types; 
> editor lot has it built in. Do you have a reproducible file you can share?
> Wade
> On Mon, Apr 15, 2019, 18:06 Greenberg, Gary 
> <ggree...@visa.com<mailto:ggree...@visa.com>> wrote:
> I know that Netbeans has a feature to validate XML files and I used it 
> extensively when XML was main method to define requests and responses in REST 
> API.
> Nowadays JSON almost completely replaced XML in that role.
> Is there a plugin or something to validate JSON or help to check it for 
> errors?
> I do have pretty big JSON file which somewhere contain an error, but cannot 
> find it easily.
> Netbeans marks the opening brace with an error flag, which tells me Token 
> recognition at “
> Going through it for ½ hour and can’t spot any errors.
> Gary Greenberg
> Staff Software Engineer
> Data Product Development, BI-A
> E: ggree...@visa.com<mailto:ggree...@visa.com>
> M: 650-269-7902
> [EmailSig-TaglineVersion]

It looks like a BOM for UTF-8.

Are you downloading this on a Windows machine, and is the file generated
on a non-Windows machine?

I have added -J-Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 to almost the end of my
netbeans_default_options in netbeans.conf. The end option is for bigger

The error shows up as an unrecognizable (at least to me) character at
the beginning of the file. Delete that character and the file validates.

. . . just my two cents

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