Indeed, if you can, move to Maven.


On Tue, May 14, 2019 at 6:37 PM Rowe, Thomas <>

> I have a project using Netbeans 8.2 on JDK8 using the standard Ant based
> build system (no maven). I modernized with the IDE to Netbeans 11 on
> OpenJDK12 and it mostly went fine. But I can't figure out how to inform the
> IDE and build system of the OpenJFX 12 dependency. Both the IDE and build
> system complain about missing JavaFX packages in the project sources. I
> tried: Tools > Libraries -> adding a new OpenJFX12 package pointing to the
> JFX JARs. But then I see no mechanism for informing the relevant projects
> to use that. I'm on Windows 7 64.
> Any pointers appreciated. Sorry if this is a dumb question. A clear
> working answer is not forthcoming on the web. It doesn't help that I'm a
> relative Java & Netbeans novice.
> I also tried downloading the OpenJFX JMODs package and merging the JMOD,
> JAR, and DLL files into the OpenJDK12 folder structure itself. The IDE
> syntax highlighting still complains about missing JavaFX packages, but the
> build then gets farther along to a point where it says:
>         Classpath entry C:\Program
> Files\OpenJDK\jdk-12.0.1\lib\ext\jfxrt.jar does not exist; skipping
>         C:\Program Files\netbeans11\harness\build.xml:150: The JARs
> [C:\Program Files\netbeans11\platform\modules\org-netbeans-libs-javafx.jar,
> C:\Program Files\OpenJDK\jdk-   12.0.1\lib\ext\jfxrt.jar] contain no
> classes in the supposed public packages javafx.animation.*,
> javafx.application.*, [...] and so cannot be compiled against
>         BUILD FAILED (total time: 1 second)
> I think the jfxrt JAR is obsolete in the newer OpenJFX? Not sure how to
> proceed. Is OpenJFX not supported in a straightforward way with the classic
> Ant build system? Maybe redoing the build system from scratch with Maven is
> the most sensible thing to do?
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