Thank you Pieter.

I am also considering that the best option is to switch to Maven projects in 
the next course.
I have to prepare some brief introduction to Maven to the students, but if we 
maintain things simple I thing that there should be no problems.
De: Pieter van den Hombergh <>
Enviado: lunes, 27 de mayo de 2019 20:01
Para: Eduardo Mosqueira Rey
Asunto: Re: JaCoCoverage plugin

Hi Eduardo,

I was in similar  situation, but then followed Geertjan Wielenga’s advice to 
consider maven over ant based projects. If used properly, maven does all the 
rights things and better. So I have made the switch, and are happy with it.
Supplying the students with a proper parent-Pom takes a lot of the scary things 
of maven away, because in there you can provide things like coverage (== Jacoco 
) as a maven dependency, so that students only have the libraries their 
projects actually need. I will switch over to maven projects for our initial 
java course too in September. To find some examples, have a look at github 
sebivenlo, where you find such parent-pom, called sebipom and a few projects 
that use that parent.

Navigate to
And it sibling projects on github to see what I provide.
If you want some example exercises, let me know and I will send them using a 
private channel.

On Sat, 25 May 2019 at 00:54, Eduardo Mosqueira Rey 
<<>> wrote:

Hi all,

I used in classroom the JaCoCoverage plugin with NetBeans 8.2 for the students 
to check the coverage of their tests.

It had an easy and straightforward installation and was very simple to use, 
ideal for newbies.

Nevertheless, the plugin is no longer maintained at it doesn’t work with 
NetBeans 11.0.

This year I want to migrate the classroom installation to Apache NetBeans but 
the lack of a coverage tool is an inconvenient.

Is there an easy way to install a Coverage tool (whatever) in NetBeans 11.0?

*easy to install* is an important requirement.

Any suggestion would be appreciated.

Many thanks,

-- Eduardo

Pieter Van den Hombergh.
No software documentation is complete with out it's source code.

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