I just really recommend to Geertjan's previous advice.

Just clean up your system fro every JDK/NetBeans whatever tool, and put some order in it. These kind of problems going to lurk beneath the surface, you just scratch it and something nasty will pop up the next time.

On 6/4/19 9:13 AM, Eef Custers wrote:
Hi Antonio,

My troubles with my configuration started after I tried to upgrade from Java-8(212)/Netbeans8.2 to Java-12/Netbeans11.0. I know that this new configuration has a lot of fundamental chances, for example the separation of JavaFX from the jdk. Concerning the tool jvisualvm I fear the same situation: the tool is not in my jdk-12.0.1.
Do you have any suggestions?



Op di 4 jun. 2019 om 16:55 schreef Antonio <anto...@vieiro.net <mailto:anto...@vieiro.net>>:

    You can use "jvisualvm", a visual tool bundled with the JDK that
    is used
    to "inspect" whatever a Java Virtual Machine is doing. Take a look at
    the "threads" section and tell us what the threads are doing.

    The "jvisualvm" tool bundled with the JDK is, by the way, built with
    NetBeans technology.


    El 03/06/2019 a las 15:59, Eef Custers escribió:
    > Hello,
    > My Netbeans 11.0 installation has problems in showing the GUI.
    It only
    > produces a background process. This situation emerged suddenly
    and for
    > unknown reasons. I had been able to run Netbeans11 before that
    moment. I
    > have been trying to make Netbeans work with Java12 (Java jdk-12.0.1
    > and javafx-sdk-12.0.1),
    > but it failed so far. The java config with java FXML did run
    however when
    > directly run from Maven.
    > Now I have been looking around a lot but I cannot find a reason or a
    > solution to get Netbeans working again. Also a complete
    reinstall does not
    > solve this problem.
    > Can somebody support me on thi issue? It will be greatly
    > My configuration is:
    > C:\java_lib\jdk-12.0.1\bin
    > C:\java_lib\javafx-sdk-12.0.1\bin
    > C:\java_lib\javafx-jmods-12.0.1;
    > JAVA_HOME=C:\java_lib\jdk-12.0.1
    > CLASSPATH= C:\java_lib\jdk-12.0.1\lib;
    > C:\java_lib\javafx-jmods-12.0.1;
    > My console output of the startup is:
    > Log Session: Monday, June 3, 2019 at 3:41:36 PM Central European
    Summer Time
    >> System Info:
    >    Product Version         = Apache NetBeans IDE 11.0 (Build
    > incubator-netbeans-release-404-on-20190319)
    >    Operating System        = Windows 10 version 10.0 running on
    >    Java; VM; Vendor        = 12.0.1; OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM
    > Oracle Corporation
    >    Runtime                 = OpenJDK Runtime Environment 12.0.1+12
    >    Java Home               = c:\java_lib\jdk-12.0.1
    >    System Locale; Encoding = en_US (nb); UTF-8
    >    Home Directory          = C:\Users\ecusters
    >    Current Directory       = C:\Tools\netbeans-11.0\bin
    >    User Directory          =
    >    Cache Directory         =
    > C:\Users\ecusters\AppData\Local\NetBeans\Cache\11.0
    >    Installation            = C:\Tools\netbeans-11.0\nb
    > C:\Tools\netbeans-11.0\ergonomics
    >                              C:\Tools\netbeans-11.0\ide
    > C:\Tools\netbeans-11.0\extide
    >                              C:\Tools\netbeans-11.0\java
    > C:\Tools\netbeans-11.0\apisupport
    > C:\Tools\netbeans-11.0\webcommon
    > C:\Tools\netbeans-11.0\websvccommon
    > C:\Tools\netbeans-11.0\enterprise
    > C:\Tools\netbeans-11.0\profiler
    >                              C:\Tools\netbeans-11.0\php
    > C:\Tools\netbeans-11.0\harness
    > C:\Tools\netbeans-11.0\groovy
    > C:\Tools\netbeans-11.0\javafx
    > C:\Tools\netbeans-11.0\platform
    >    Boot & Ext. Classpath   =
    >    Application Classpath   =
    >    Startup Classpath       =
    > INFO [org.netbeans.modules.netbinox]: Install area set to
    > file:/C:/Tools/netbeans-11.0/
    > WARNING [org.netbeans.core.modules]: the modules
    > [org.netbeans.modules.java.editor.lib,
    org.netbeans.modules.xml.text] use
    > org.netbeans.modules.editor.deprecated.pre65formatting which is
    > WARNING [org.netbeans.core.modules]: the modules
    > [org.netbeans.modules.ide.kit, org.netbeans.modules.xml.text] use
    > org.netbeans.modules.editor.structure which is deprecated.
    > The startup process of Netbeans stops at the following point:
    >         org.eclipse.mylyn.commons.core [3.17.0
    >          org.eclipse.equinox.security [1.1.1
    >          org.eclipse.equinox.registry [3.5.200
    >          org.eclipse.equinox.preferences [3.4.2
    >          org.eclipse.equinox.app [1.3.100 1.3.100.v20110321]
    >          org.eclipse.core.runtime.compatibility.auth [3.2.200
    > 3.2.200.v20110110]
    > org.eclipse.core.net <http://org.eclipse.core.net> [1.2.100
    >          org.eclipse.core.contenttype [3.4.100
    >          org.apache.xmlrpc [3.0.0 3.0.0]
    >          org.apache.ws.commons.util [1.0.1 1.0.1]
    >          org.apache.commons.lang [2.6 2.6]
    >          netbeans.jshint [1.3 190501]
    >          com.peter.mavenrunner [4.3 170822]
    >          com.jcraft.jzlib [1.0.7 1.0.7]
    >          com.googlecode.javaewah.JavaEWAH [0.7.9 0.7.9]
    >          com.gluon.plugin.netbeans [2.7.0 2.7.0 201804241015]
    > INFO [org.netbeans.core.netigso.Netigso]: bundle
    > org.eclipse.osgi@3.9.1.
    <mailto:org.eclipse.osgi@3.9.1.>v20140110-1610 started
    > INFO [org.netbeans.core.network.proxy.NetworkProxyReloader]:
    System network
    > proxy resolver: Windows
    > INFO
    [org.netbeans.core.network.proxy.windows.WindowsNetworkProxy]: Windows
    > system proxy resolver: auto detect
    > INFO [org.netbeans.core.network.proxy.NetworkProxyReloader]:
    System network
    > proxy reloading succeeded.
    > INFO [org.netbeans.core.network.proxy.NetworkProxyReloader]:
    System network
    > proxy - mode: direct
    > INFO [org.netbeans.core.network.proxy.NetworkProxyReloader]:
    System network
    > proxy: fell to default (correct if direct mode went before)
    > WARNING [org.netbeans.TopSecurityManager]: use of system property
    > netbeans.home has been obsoleted in favor of
    InstalledFileLocator/Places at
    > ====== ====
    > Best regards,
    > Eef

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Met vriendelijke groeten,

E. Custers,
Oracle & Java Ontwikkelaar / Senior Oracle DBA
OrendaFlex BV
Orenda iT Services BV
00 31 6 5499 2250
Oracle database Beheer & Data Management

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