I too searched for a solution in my case with TestNG. I did not want to
contaminate the module.info with test lines that had to be edited out once
testing was passed successfully. Defeats one object of black box
integration testing adding a risk that an inadvertent change crept in.

My solution was to put TestNG on the classpath until I find something

Other potential solutions I thought of involve changing the build scripts
to accommodate a "test" module.info file under the test hierarchy or a
module.info delta file for testing. Some sort of flag in the module file to
indicate a "for testing" annotation would be another way, I suppose. These
are not great either.

I am surprised this wasn't considered when Oracle introduced modules into
JDK-9. May be it was. So I stand ready to be corrected.


On 10:27, Tue, 2 Jul 2019 Alex Sviridov <ooo_satu...@mail.ru.invalid wrote:

> Hi all,
> I use NB 11.0 and I work on JPMS module with integrations tests. My folder
> structure is like this:
> .
> |-- pom.xml
> `-- src
>     |-- it
>     |   `-- java
>     |       `-- com
>     |           `-- soebes
>     |               `-- maui
>     |                   `-- it
>     |                       `-- BitMaskIT.java
>     |-- main
>     |   `-- java
>     |       `-- com
>     |           `-- soebes
>     |               `-- maui
>     |                   `-- it
>     |                       `-- BitMask.java
>     `-- test
>         `-- java
>             `-- com
>                 `-- soebes
>                     `-- maui
>                         `-- it
>                             `-- BitMaskTest.java
> The problem is NB wants JUnit modules for integrations tests to be
> declared in module-info.
> Otherwise it shows errors. At the same time code all execution tests are
> compiled and
> run without problems. Could anyone say how to fix it?
> --
> Best regards, Alex Sviridov

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