On Mon, Oct 14, 2019 at 11:16 AM Peter Toye <netbe...@ptoye.com> wrote:

> Dear Geertjan,
> I agree that the "java" command has nothing to do with Netbeans. I'll try
> to be more explicit:
> I have a project which dates back to about 2006 and has a main class which
> I'll call A. This uses a separate class B which I developed separately. I
> included B as a library using A's project properties.
> Using Netbeans 8 (and earlier) it was possible to run the project using a
> command line like
>   java -jar A.jar
> and the program ran. The Java version was 1.8. The path to the Java
> executable is in my PATH.
> Earlier this year I wanted to develop it further, and decided to move to
> the latest version of NetBeans (11.1) and Java (12). Now the command line
> as given in the build output is
>   C:\Program Files\Java\jdk-12.0.1/bin/java -cp *directory\*A.jar;
> *directory\*B.jar *classpath.*A
> My main point is that I don't understand how or why this has changed.


There is now a module system in Java, meaning that there is now a module
path and a class path. That was not there in JDK 8 and is now there since

Can you join the Java mailing lists and discuss further there:


> I agree that Oracle no longer have a JAVA_HOME environment variable to
> point to the java run-time executable and they don't put it in the PATH,
> which is a pain, but I can do that myself.
> But as far as I can see, the "Libraries" sections of "project properties"
> are identical for the NB8 and NB11 projects, with a few directory changes.
> So why is the command line different? Is this a Java issue or has someting
> changed in the way that NB builds its jar files?
> And also, the NB11.1 command line as given by Ant is incorrect - the Java
> program path needs quotes because of the space in the path. A minor bug,
> but annoying when you use cut-and-paste to put it into a batch file!
> Does this clear things up?
> Best regards,
> Peter
> mailto:netbe...@ptoye.com
> www.ptoye.com
> -------------------------
> Sunday, October 13, 2019, 7:47:57 PM, you wrote:
> You appear to be talking about the “java” command line below, which has
> nothing at all to do with NetBeans. You seen to be using different versions
> of Java.
> Gj
> On Fri, 20 Sep 2019 at 16:44, Peter Toye <netbe...@ptoye.com> wrote:
> Having just moved from NB version 8 to 11.1 there seems to have been a
> change in the command line needed to run a project.
> The OS is Windows 7 Home.
> The project has two external libraries: one in the Java modules in the
> NetBeans 11 directory, and one of my own. In version 8 it was possible to
> run the program with a command line like
>    java -jar program.jar
> but this no longer works, and I have to put in a command line like
>   java -cp library paths program.jar
> which is a pain, as I can't automate that into a batch file.
> Is there any way of getting the libraries (or references to them) included
> in the jar file? The properties|Libraries|Run tab shows that the classpaths
> for Compiling Sources and Compiled Sources are included (at least as I
> understand the symbols on that page). Does the "Build Dependencies" tickbox
> have any significance here? The lack of a help file means that I can't find
> out what most of the window items actually mean.
> As a rider to this question, there seems to be two small bugs in the Ant
> script which produces the command line for running the project :
> To run this application from the command line without Ant, try:
> ??C:\Program Files\Java\jdk-12.0.1/bin/java -cp C:\Program Files\NetBeans
> 11\netbeans\java\modules\ext\AbsoluteLayout.jar;D:\Peter\Netbeans\Partitions511\dist\Partitions511.jar;D:\Peter\Netbeans\KillerSudoku11\dist\KillerSudoku11.jar
> com.ptoye.TestKiller.TestKiller??
> 1) In Windows, the Java executable and Netbeans are in the "Program Files"
> or "Program Files (x86)" folder. This should have quotes round it to run
> successfully.
> 2) In NB 11.1, the output mentions "Netbeans 11" - Shouldn't this be
> C:\Program Files\NetBeans-11.1?
> Regards,
> Peter
> mailto:netbe...@ptoye.com <netbe...@ptoye.com>
> www.ptoye.com

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