I am running Apache NetBeans IDE 11.2 with Java: 1.8.0_201 on Debian (Linux
version 5.0.0-32-generic running on amd64). I have a tomcat 7.09 server
installed and running. I can deploy war files from the tomcat manager app
and I can see the tomcat log files in the Netbeans app. However, I cannot
find a way to associate the tomcat server with my Netbeans project. Tomcat
shows up in the list of servers, and I can start and stop it from Netbeans
Services tab.

The project says I am missing a server association, but when I click on
Resolve Missing Server the resulting dialog does not have my tomcat 7
server listed. I have tried removing my tomcat installation from Netbeans
and adding it from the Resolve Missing Server dialog, but I still cannot
deploy directly from Netbeans because, you guessed it, I have a Missing
Server Problem! I have also restarted Netbeans to no avail.

I have fiddled with permissions for the tomcat7 installation to the point
of chmod 755 for the whole directory (this is my development laptop and I
only run instances locally), and that has not helped. Tomcat is installed
in /var/lib/tomcat7. The user and group is tomcat7. Tomcat 7 should work
with JDK 1.8, as it is certified for Java 6 and above.

I also have issues with installing two tomcat servers - still can't deploy
not does the project recognize any of them. I installed tomcat 9 in
/var/lib/tomcat9 with user and group tomcat9.

What I dream of is two tomcat instances, one tomcat 7 and the other tomcat
9, and the ability to deploy from Netbeans to test my project with both
servers. How can I do that, or is that not possible? How do I get at least
one server running so I can deploy from Netbeans?



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