Without more info about what toolchain you are using to build your project such 
as which JDK, what toolchain etc we can only help to a point.

If you project is modularised then you need to use jlink to have the JavaFX 
modules included in the runtime. If not, and I suspect this is what you are 
doing, you’ll need to change the way in which you build. One example is a 
shaded JAR that includes the OpenJFX dependencies and then a new main class 
that statically calls the main of the class that extends Application will do 
what this.

> On 18 Dec 2019, at 18:26, Huckleberry Finn <huckle.f...@gmail.com> wrote:
> To create a deplyable version of my project  I make a clean & Build project 
> on it. Netbeans will create a jar file in the dist subfolder of the project 
> along with the fx libraries in the lib subfolder of dist.
> When I run java -jar myproject.jar, I get
> Error: JavaFX runtime components are missing, and are required to run this 
> application
> How should I include the fx libraries inside the jar file

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