Added –fontsize=16 to the etc/netbeans.conf. It is now looks like
-J-Djdk.lang.Process.allowAmbiguousCommands=true -J-Xss2m  
-J-Djdk.gtk.version=2.2 -J-Dapple.laf.useScreenMenuBar=true -J-Dsun.java2d.noddraw=true 
-J--add-opens=jdk.jshell/jdk.jshell=ALL-UNNAMED -J--add-modules=jdk.jshell 
-J-XX:+IgnoreUnrecognizedVMOptions --fontsize=16"

Now if I try to start IDE, the banner appears for 2-3 seconds and it quit 

Gary Greenberg
Staff Software Engineer
Data Product Development, BI-A
M: 650-269-7902


From: Geertjan Wielenga <>
Sent: Thursday, January 23, 2020 1:39 PM
To: Greenberg, Gary <>
Cc: Laszlo Kishalmi <>; NetBeans Mailing List 
Subject: Re: Reinstalling NB 11.2

If the default size is 37, then there's something wrong somewhere -- maybe 
system wide settings outside NetBeans, I don't know. I've never heard of this 
problem. But you can go to etc/netbeans.conf in your installation directory 
(i.e., not your user directory) and add --fontsize=16 or something similar in 
your default_options setting there. And maybe there's a network issue of some 
kind preventing the download of nb-javac.


On Thu, Jan 23, 2020 at 10:34 PM Greenberg, Gary 
<<>> wrote:
I did remove the user directory and restarted IDE. It asked me (in huge font) 
if I want to import settings from 11.1. I said ‘Yes’ and again list of projects 
appeared in huge font and IDE hung on opening them.
I killed it and removed userdir again and restarted. Now I said ‘No’ on 
importing settings. Nothing in the project list but messages are in this 
enormous font. I opened Options->Fonts&Colors and see that default font is size 
37 (Urgh…) I changed it to size 12 and tried to open one of my projects. It 
appeared in the project list in huge font. I restarted IDE again, but nothing 

Regarding nb-javac plugin – it is not downloading. See attached snapshot.

Gary Greenberg
Staff Software Engineer
Data Product Development, BI-A
M: 650-269-7902


From: Geertjan Wielenga <<>>
Sent: Thursday, January 23, 2020 11:08 AM
To: Laszlo Kishalmi 
Cc: NetBeans Mailing List 
Subject: Re: Reinstalling NB 11.2

Plus with the font problem, start with a fresh user directory and see if the 
problem persists.


On Thu, Jan 23, 2020 at 8:04 PM Laszlo Kishalmi 
<<>> wrote:

nb-javac caused some issues in 11.2 which were resolved in 11.2u1 (It is a 
NetBeans and an nb-javac update through update centers)

If you are running NetBeans on Java 8, then nb-javac is mandatory. Java toolset 
changed a lot since that, so if you running NetBeans on Java 11 or up you can 
avoid installing nb-javac
On 1/23/20 11:00 AM, Greenberg, Gary wrote:
While version 11.1 was working well for me, 11.2 behaved quite erratically.
Deleting user directory did not help, so I have decided to reinstall it not 
from the installer, but from the binary ZIP archive (Like I did with 11.1).
I did remove installation and unpacked the ZIP file.
Netbeans started, but that was the end of good news.
It displayed project list and messages with unbearably huge fonts and stuck on 
opening projects and updating plugins. See the snapshot.
What do I need to do to make it work properly?
Please advise.
Also I remember, that nb-javac plugin is not needed for 11.2. Why does it want 
to install this plugin.

My environment:
C:\Users\ggreenbe>java -version
java version "1.8.0_231"
Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.8.0_231-b32)
Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build 25.231-b32, mixed mode)
Gary Greenberg
Staff Software Engineer
Data Product Development, BI-A
M: 650-269-7902



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