
From within my plugin I need to start an external process running a Java 
program which needs some of my modules.

Is there a way to retrieve a (runtime) classpath which contains all the 
locations of my modules' JAR files (including all the needed NetBeans modules)?



[Clarification: My plugin is defined by modules M1, M2, and M3 which need the 
NetBeans modules N1, N2, and N3. Module M3 defines a class C with a main 
method. My modules are either used as a NetBeans plugin or run as an RCP 
application. An action requests M2 to start an external Java process which 
starts with main class C and needs at least modules M1 to M3 and N1 to N3 on 
its classpath (resp. module path). Is there a way to access the classpath CP of 
the running NetBeans instance which would provide a list of all used modules 
such that the process

                java   -classpath CP   C   additional_arguments

might be started, where CP is something like

/a/x/M1.jar: /b/y/M2.jar: /c/z/M3.jar: /h/r/N1.jar: /i/s/N2.jar: /j/t/N3.jar

This classpath must not necessarily be limited to the list of enumerated 
modules; it might additionally contain M4 to Mn from other plugins and NetBeans 
modules N4 to Nm. Note that in the regular case only the name of the class C 
(and the fact that it resides in one of the running modules) is known.]

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