On my old Gateway (Windows 8) computer I had Fortran through NetBeans 8.2,
though I didn't do anything in Fortran besides the Hello World. I did
slightly more with C++ (as I recall, Fortran was included in the C++

I'd like to resume my study of Fortran with NetBeans. Long story short,
after an accident with my Mac, I'm using a Windows 10 laptop, it was rather
empty aside from the OS. I installed NetBeans 11.2 on it. Can I use
NetBeans 11.2 to program in Fortran? And if so, what do I need to get to
make it happen?


Alonso del Arte
Author at SmashWords.com
Musician at ReverbNation.com <http://www.reverbnation.com/alonsodelarte>

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