Been using NB with git without problems on a Mac for years now - with NB
11.2 since it came out.

But just now I encountered a strange bug - and I don't know how to fix it:

I had made some changes to my source code and, as usual, from Projects I
     Project->Git->Show Changes
This showed me the list of files that were modified in the branch.  I
highlighted all the files and selected "Commit".  Usually, this would bring
up the commit dialog into which I can add some comments before actually
committing.  But this time, the highlighting color for the selected files
just darkened slightly, but no commit dialog showed up!  The IDE wasn't
dead - nor did the commit dialog pop up somewhere under another window.  It
just didn't show.

I checked View->IDE Log, but there were no error messages (I mean other
than the "normal" ones).  So I exited the IDE (Netbeans->Quit Netbeans) and
restarted it.

Back in the IDE, all the modified had lost their "modified" color (modified
file tabs show up in blue font under Darcula) and when I repeated the above
"Show Changes", no files show as modified?!  But clearly that is not the
case.  When I go to the command-line and do "git status" I clearly see that
the files are still modified).

So I exited NB, deleted its cache directory -
$HOME/Library/Caches/NetBeans/ - and restarted.  No difference.  NB still
thinks the files are not modified :-(

So I uninstalled NB 11.2 and re-installed it.  Again - no difference.  What
should I try next?  Is there some file or directory somewhere outside the
cache directory that might have gotten corrupted?

Any help/suggestion would be much appreciated,

p.s. here's my setup from the IDE log:

>Log Session: Tuesday, February 18, 2020 at 3:21:30 PM Eastern Standard Time
>System Info:
  Product Version         = Apache NetBeans IDE 11.2
  Operating System        = Mac OS X version 10.15.3 running on x86_64
  Java; VM; Vendor        = 11.0.3; Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM
11.0.3+12-LTS; Oracle Corporation
  Runtime                 = Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment 11.0.3+12-LTS
  Java Home               =
  System Locale; Encoding = en_US (nb); UTF-8
  Home Directory          = /Users/thwolf
  Current Directory       = /
  User Directory          = /Users/thwolf/Library/Application
  Cache Directory         = /Users/thwolf/Library/Caches/NetBeans/11.2

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