
I am using NetBeans 11.2 on a 64 bot Linux system with Java 8.

I have a working web app and my own instance of tomcat.

I am having the following problems:

1.  Once tomcat is launched, if things go wrong, I have no way of killing
tomcat other than killing the process from the command prompt.  There needs
to be a button in NetBeans to kill the process by shutting it down normally
but if that doesn't work - kill the process.

2.  If I manually deploy the app (copy the war file to the tomcat/webapps
directory) the app runs.  But I can't get NetBeans to deploy for me.

Under Project / Properties / Build / Packaging / WAR Content I have
build/web set but it doesn't get deployed.

I have CATALINA_BASE and CATALINA_HOME set to the same path.

I even have the "force stop" option enabled.

3.  In terms of setting up tomcat instances under Tools / Servers:

a. It would be nice to be able to rename the instance

b.  Setting of the base should be related to the project and not global.


Blake McBride

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